
Being able to call on the old boy's netw



Being able to call on the old boy's network helps you get your foot in the door,but has little impact on your later success.Having good connections does change your possibility of being offered a higher wage when you start working,but has no impact on your eventual wage.Coming from a wealthy background has little impact on lifetime earnings.Over time,brain power soon overtakes(超过),and intelligence is the factor,which will determine your earnings and success.The speed of your rise through the ranks is determined largely by your own intelligence.

The study monitored earnings and promotions over the course of 25 years.Scores were used to assess the Socio­Economic Background(SEB)-wealth and connections-and standard Army intelligence tests used to assess intelligence.The study is sure to infuriate(激怒)those angered by wealthy groups such as Oxford's upper-crust(上流社会)Bullingdon Club,of which both David Cameron and Borris Johnson were members.

Professor Yoav Ganzach says that these findings have a positive message for those,who can't rely on nepotism(裙带关系)for their first job.“Your family can help you start your career and you do get an advantage,but it doesn't help you progress.And once you start working,you can go wherever your abilities take you,” he says.When intelligence and SEB are pitted directly against once another(相互较量),intelligence is a more accurate predictor of future career success,he say.

小题1:How many factors which may influence one's career are mentioned in the passage?




D.4.小题2:Who will be encouraged most after reading the passage?

A.People who are lack of money.

B.People who can't depend on nepotism.

C.People with high intelligence.

D.People with wide connections.小题3:What's the main idea of the passage?

A.Earnings and promotions are up to your own.

B.A study conducted by Professor Yoav Ganzach.

C.SEB is very important in one's first career.

D.Success is determined by your own brain power.


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