
阅读理解。 Ballet is a precise and beautiful




     Ballet is a precise and beautiful form of dancing that is performed in a theatre. A kind of ballet first appeared

in Italy in the 1400s, but ballet as it is danced today began in France. During the reign of King Louis XIV, in the

1600s, it was officially recognized as a form of art. The French Royal Academy of Dance was founded in 1661

to promote ballet.

     Traditional, or classical, ballet follows strict rules and traditions. There are standard positions for the arms,

legs and hands, and special movements that make the dance flow smoothly.

     Classical ballet uses orchestras (交响乐团), fine scenery and splendid costumes. Many ballets tell a story,

but the dancers do not speak any words. They act out the story, using their bodies. The person who arranges

the dance movements is called the choreographer (舞蹈指导).

     Some ballets are very famous. They have been danced for many years. Giselle, a story of a tragic young

village girl who dies in love-stricken grief, was first performed in 1841. Two other long-time favourites are

Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty. These two ballets are as famous for their music as for their dancing.

     Modern ballets often look very different from classical ones. They include freer, more modern dance steps.

Sometimes, instead of telling a story, they dwell on certain moods or themes. Special effects may be produced

with lighting, rather than scenery.

1. Ballet first turned up in _____ and it was officially thought of as a form of art in _____. [ ]

A. Italy in the 1600s; in France in 1400

B. Italy in the 1400s; in France in 1400

C. Italy in the 1400s; in France in 1600

D. Italy in the 1600s; in France in 1600

2. Which statement is not true according to the passage? [ ]

A. Classical ballet follows strict rules and traditions.

B. Many ballets tell a story, and the dancers sometimes need to speak on the stage.

C. Many ballets tell a story, but the dancers do not speak any words.

D. The ballets always use their bodies to act out the story.

3. _____ are as famous for their music as for their dancing. [ ]

A. Swan Lake and Giselle

B. Sleeping Beauty and Swan Lake

B. Sleeping Beauty and Giselle

D. Traditional and modern ballets

4. The underlined phrase "dwell on" in the last paragraph might mean "_____". [ ]

A. tell sth. in detail

B. live in

C. live on

D. tell sth. in general


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【甲】呜呼!予之生也幸,而幸生也何为?所求乎为臣,主辱,臣死有余僇;所求乎为子,以父母之遗体行殆,而死有余责。将请罪于君,君不许;请罪于母,母不许;请罪于先人之墓,生无以救国难,死犹为厉鬼以击贼,义也;赖天之灵,宗庙之福,修我戈矛,从王于师,以为前驱,雪九庙之耻,复高祖之业,所谓誓不与贼俱生,所谓鞠躬尽力,死而后已,亦义也。嗟夫!若予者,将无往而不得死所矣。向也使予委骨于草莽,予虽浩然无所愧,然微以自于君亲,君亲其谓予何!诚不自意返吾衣冠,重见日月,使旦夕得正丘首,复何憾哉!复何憾哉!           (《指南录后序》)

【乙】文天祥,字宋瑞,又字履善,吉之吉水人也。自为童子时,见学宫所祠乡先生欧阳修、杨邦乂、胡铨像,皆谥“忠”,即欣然慕之。咸淳九年,起为湖南提刑,因见故相江万里。万里素奇天祥志节,语及国事,愀然曰:“吾老矣,观天时人事当有变,吾阅人多矣,世道之责,其在君乎?君其勉之。”德祐初,江上报急,诏天下王。天祥捧诏涕泣使陈继周发郡中豪杰并结溪峒蛮使方兴召吉州兵诸豪杰皆应有众万人。事闻,以江西提刑安抚使召入卫。其友止之,曰:“今大兵三道鼓行,破郊畿,内地,君以乌合万余赴之,是何异驱群羊而搏猛虎!”天祥曰:“吾亦知其然也。第国家养育臣庶三百余年,一旦有急,征天下兵,无一人一骑入关者,吾深恨于此,故不自量力,而以身徇之,庶天下忠臣义士将有闻风而起者。义胜者谋立,人众者功济,如此则社稷犹可保也。”天祥性豪华,平生自奉甚厚,声伎满前。至是,痛自贬损,尽以家赀为军费。每与宾佐语及时事,辄流涕,抚几言曰:“乐人之乐者忧人之忧,食人之食者死人之事。”           (《宋史·文天祥传》),有删改)

小题1:对下列句中加点的词语的解释, 不正确的一项是(  )




D.破郊畿,内地薄: 逼近,指进攻小题2:下列句子中,加点词的意义和用法不同的一组是(  )




D.君乌合万余赴之/夜则兵围所寓舍小题3:下列对甲、乙两文内容的表述不符合原文意思的一项是(   )





天 祥 捧 诏 涕 泣 使 陈 继 周 发 郡 中 豪 杰 并 结 溪 峒 蛮 使 方 兴 召 吉 州 兵 诸 豪 杰 皆 应 有 众 万 人



