
完成句子。 1. The cultural relic has ________




1. The cultural relic has ____________( 幸存 ) for a long time, so it’s well worth a visit.

2. In spite of all her ____________ ( 缺点 ), I still think she’s one of the best students in

our class.

3. They finally got there only to find that the castle was in r ____________ and nothing

valuable was left.

4. John is very ____________ ( 可信赖的 )-if he says he’ll do something , he’ll do it.

5. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be ____________ ( 在户外 ) for so long

that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.

6. Mary, you’d better not ________ _________( 失去信心 ) . All will turn out well.

7. The little girl was finally _________ _________( 营救 ) the flood by a young man.

8. This was a time when the two countries were _______ ________( 处于交战状态 ).

9. Many famous books , ________ ________( 例如 )The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and

Oliver Twist , have been translated into Chinese.

10. Women are _________ _________( 与……平等 ) men in society like having the right

to vote , taking paid jobs , receiving higher education and so on.


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