
阅读理解 Every culture has a recognized poi




    Every culture has a recognized point when a child becomes an adult, when rules must be followed

and tests passed.

      In China, although teenagers can get their ID cards at 16, many only see themselves as an adult

when they are 18. In the US, where everyone drives, the main step to the freedom of adult life is

learning to drive.   At 16, American teens take their driving test. When they have their license, they

drive into the grownup world.

     " Nobody wants to ride the cheese bus to school," said Eleanor Fulham, 17. She brought the

pressure back to memory, especially for kids from wealthier families. "It's like you're not cool if you

don't have a car," she said.

     According to recent research, 41% of 16 to 19yearolds in the US own cars, up from 23% in 1985.

Although, most of these cars are bought by parents, some teens get parttime jobs to help pay.

     Not all families can afford cars for their children. In cities with subways and limited parking, some

teenagers don't want them. But in rich suburban areas without subways, and where bicycles are more

for fun than transportation, it is strange for a teenager not to have a car.

     But police say 16yearolds have almost three times more accidents than 18 to 19yearolds. This has

made many parents pause before letting their kids drive.

     Julie Sussman, of Virginia, decided that her son Chad, 15, will wait until he is 17 to apply for his

learner's permit.

     Chad said he has accepted his parents' decision, although it has caused some teasing from his

friends. "They say that I am unlucky," he said, "But I'd rather be alive than driving, and I_don't_really


     In China as more families get cars, more 18yearolds learn to drive. Will this become a big step to

becoming an adult?

1. Which may serve as the best title of the article?

A. Cars Helping You to GrowUp

B. Driving into the GrownUp World

C. Teenagers' Driving in America

D. Recognized Point of Becoming an Adult

2. 16yearold drivers have more accidents possibly because________.

A. they want to show themselves off

B. they are never experienced drivers

C. older people always drive better

D. they never drive carefully on the road

3. Which may NOT be taken into consideration when deciding whether to buy a car?

A. How well off the family is.

B. Whether the kid is old enough.

C. What traffic condition there is around.

D. Whether it's practically needed.

4. When Chad said "I don't really trust my friends…", he meant that________.

A. he might run into his friends if he drove

B. he didn't agree with his friends

C. he might not be safe if his friends drove

D. he was afraid that his friends might well lie to him

5. The passage mainly gives information about ________.

A. an American culture

B. a cultural difference between America and China

C. a change in the Chinese culture

D. the relationship between driving and a person's development


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唐代的贾岛一向以苦吟闻名于世。贾岛的苦吟是在炼意、炼句、炼字等方面都下了一番功夫的,而这些又都与作品的思想内容和时代性分不开。首先我们看到贾岛非常用力于炼意,因而他的作品具有引人入胜的意境。       。有了好的意境,然后还必须保证这种意境能够在字句上充分表达出来。        ,就好像完全出于自然,一气呵成的样子。

① 贾岛的每句诗和每个字都经过反复的锤炼   

② 却又使读者一点也看不出修改的痕迹

③ 如果写一首诗而意境不佳,则味同嚼蜡     

④ 那就不如无诗

⑤ 叫人读了兴趣索然                       

⑥ 但是写成之后

⑦ 用心推敲修改                           

属于甲处的语句依次为           ,属于乙处的语句依次为              
