
阅读理解。 Many cities in the world are bene




     Many cities in the world are benefiting from the night activities of a group of people who call

themselves guerrilla (游击队) gardeners. Armed with trowels, spades and a van full of flowers

and plants, guerrilla gardeners turn abandoned urban land into a blaze of color. In city centre

locations where there was mud, weeds and empty plastic bottles, residents often wake up to

find that the wasted area has been transformed overnight with brightly-colored bedding plants.

    In most British cities, local governments and police turn a blind eye to the effort of the gardeners,

whose activities are always carried out under cover of nightfall. And so far, there has been nothing

but praise from the astonished and delighted local residents when they find their neighborhood

transformed in such a striking fashion.

    Not only do the guerrilla gardeners beautify neglected places, they also return regularly to

water the plants and weed the flower beds. They also make sure that at least some of the plants

they bring are evergreens, which means that the area doesn't look depressing in the winter months.

    The first guerrilla gardener in London was Richard Reynolds, whose day job is at an advertising

agency. Mr. Reynolds, a graduate of Oxford University, began his efforts two years ago when he

moved to a flat in a tower block in South London. From his balcony, he could see several empty

concrete pots, placed by the local governments to contain plants but never used. He went out after

midnight and filled the pots with plants, and then planted more flowers in the path leading to the

entrance to the block.

    He then set up a website to explain his plan and called upon more gardeners to join him. Cash

donations flooded in and, more importantly, volunteers rushed to be part of the campaign. Within

six months, there were five hundred people in London prepared to come out at very short notice

to restore neglected parts of the urban landscape. There are now unofficial but carefully-organized

groups in many cities in Britain and North America and there is also a website where would-be

urban gardeners can find out the location of the next expedition.

1. These guerrilla gardeners do their work ______.

A. at the request of the government      

B. nearby their house

C. often in return for others' help  

D. out of their own free will

2. Richard Reynolds decided to fill the pots with plants in order to ______.

A. plant more flowers in the path

B. beautify the neighborhood

C. attract attention for his ad agency

D. make the plants a feast for his eyes

3. The guerrilla gardeners often return to their night working places with the purpose of ______.

A. looking after these plants

B. enjoying these beautiful flowers

C. helping plants live through winter months

D. changing the varieties of the plants

4. It can be inferred from the text that these guerrilla gardeners ______.

A. are mainly from the United Kingdom

B. will later get well paid

C. are still not accepted by the local government

D. become more and more organized


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材料一  1951年9月联邦德国 * * 阿登纳在政府声明中说:“新的德意志国家及其公民只有感到对犹太民族犯下的罪行,并且有义务做出物质赔偿时,我们才算令人信服地与纳粹的罪恶历史一刀两断。”他还曾说:“赔偿是我们的责任,它虽然不能洗刷我们的罪恶感,却是和解的前提。”从战后到2002年,德国的战后赔偿金额达到1040亿美元,它每年还继续向10万受害者赔偿6.24亿美元的养老金。1994年,德国总统赫尔佐克在勃兰特“惊世一跪”的20年后,对波兰再次表示,“我请求你们宽恕德国人给你们造成的痛苦”……对于德国有关纳粹大屠杀的历史教育,世界犹太人大会 * * 辛格说:“学校普遍进行纳粹大屠杀教育,正视历史,已经成为德国民族意识的一个组成部分。”


材料二 二战后,日本对侵略历史“不反省、不道歉、不谢罪”(“三不主义”),而且不断制造事端,篡改历史教科书、参拜靖国神社、发表歪曲历史的言论……日本每年都要在广岛举行和平大会……日本著名学者藤原彰指出:“日本人十分缺少从加害者的角度认识战争的意识。”战后初期,美国单独占领日本,免除了头号战犯裕仁天皇的战争责任,释放战犯并允许其重返政坛军界执掌国家大权……在战争索赔问题上,国际地位尚低的亚洲受害国的多数国家,基本上自动放弃了对日战争索赔权。最后只有越南、缅甸、印度尼西亚、菲律宾四国接受了日本有限的赔偿……意大利政治家蒂齐亚诺·台尔察尼所著《日本人的自负与傲慢》一书中指出:“财富使日本人变得更加狂妄。”于是就有人叫嚣说:承认侵略并向亚洲国家谢罪是“自虐”行为,妨碍日本成为“政治大国”和在国际新秩序中发挥“领导作用”。



