
A good translator is by definition bilingu



A good translator is by definition bilingual. The opposite is not ______(1) true, however. A born and bred bilingual will still need two__________(2) to become a translator: first, the skills and experience necessary for__________(3); second, knowledge of the field in which he or she will__________(4). The skills and experience for translation include the ability to write ______(5) in the target language, the ability to read and understand the_________(6) language material thoroughly, and the ability to work with the latest__________(7) and communication hardware and software.Does a born and bred bilingual__________(8) a better translator than someone who learned language B later in__________(9) There is no definite answer, but the following issues are important.__________(10), a born and bred bilingual often suffers from not truly knowing __________(11) language well enough to translate, with some even suffering from what __________(12) known as a lingualism, a state in which a person lacks_________(13) full, fluent command of any language. Second, born and bred bilinguals__________(14) don’’t know the culture of the target language well enough to_________(15) top-quality translations, or cannot recognize what aspects of the source language__________(16) its culture need to be treated with particular care, as they_________(17) in a sense too close to the language. And last, they often_________(18) the analytical linguistic skills to work through a sticky text.On_________(19) other hand, the acquired bilingual may not have the same in-depth _________(20) of colloquialisms, slang, and dialect that the born bilingual has. Also, the acquired bilingual will not be able to translate as readily in both directions (from B to language A and A to language B). Finally, born bilinguals often have a greater appreciation of the subtleties and nuances of both their languages than someone who learns their B language later in life can ever hope to have.


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题型:问答题 案例分析题

材料一:任何人不能仅因为思想而受惩罚。判刑时必须始终考虑罪犯的年龄与涉世不深。父亲的罪名或所受惩罚不能玷污儿子的名声,因为每一方的命运均取决于自己的行为,而任何一方不得被指定为另一方所犯罪行的继承人。世代相传的习俗应受到尊重和服从,但其有效性不应凌驾于理性或法律之上。——古罗马的《民法大全》材料二:国会是立法机构,由参、众两院组成……按人口比例选举产生。行 * * 赋予总统,总统是行政首脑、国家元首、武装部队总司令……司法权赋予最高法院的大法官,由总统经参议院同意后任命,除非渎职,任职终身。——《美利坚合众国宪法(1787年)》材料三:第十一条皇帝在国际关系上为帝国的代表,以帝国的名义宣战与媾和,同外国缔结同盟及其他条约,委派并接受使节。第十二条联邦议会与帝国议会的召集、开会、延会、闭会之权属于皇帝。第十五条联邦议会的 * * 职位及其事务的领导权属于由皇帝任命的帝国宰相。第十七条建议并公布帝国法律及监督其执行之权属于皇帝。第二十三条帝国的全部军事力量在平时和战时受皇帝指挥。——《德意志帝国宪法》(1871年)

