
A new argument has been put forward as t



A new argument has been put forward as to whether penguins are disturbed by the presence of tourists in Antarctica.  

Previous research by scientists from Keil University in Germany monitored Adelie penguins and noted that the birds’ heart rates increased dramatically at the sight of a human as far as 30 meters away.  But new research using an artificial egg, which is equipped to measure heart rates, disputes this.  Scientists from the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge say that a slow moving human who does not approach the nest too closely, is not viewed as a threat by penguins. 

The earlier findings have been used to partly explain the 20 per cent drop in populations of certain types of penguins near tourist sites.  However, tour operators have continued to insist that their activities do not adversely affect wildlife in Antarctica, saying they encourage non-disruptive behavior in tourists, and that the decline in penguin numbers is caused by other factors.

Amanda Nimon of the Scott Polar Research Institute spent three southern hemisphere summers at Cuverville Island in Antarctica studying penguin behavior towards humans.  “A nesting penguin will react very differently to a person rapidly and closely approaching the nest,” says Nimon.  “First they exhibit large and prolonged heart rate changes and then they often flee the nest leaving it open for predators (掠夺者) to fly in and remove eggs or chicks.”  The artificial egg, specially for the project, monitored both the parent who had been ‘disturbed’ when the egg was placed in the nest and the other parent as they both took it in turns to guard the nest.

However, Boris Culik, who monitored the Adelie penguins, believes that Nimon’s findings do not invalidate his own research.  He points out that species behave differently – and Nimon’s work was with Gentoo penguins.  Nimon and her colleagues believe that Culik’s research was methodologically flawed because the monitoring of penguins’ responses needed capturing and restraining the birds and fitting them with beart-rate transmitters.  Therefore, argues Nimon, it would not be surprising if they became stressed on seeing a human subsequently.

小题1:According to the passage, what overall message is presented?

A.No firm conclusions are drawn.

B.Neither Culik’s nor Nimon’s findings are of much value.

C.Penguin reduction is closed related to tourist behavior.

D.Tourists are not responsible for the fall in penguin numbers.小题2:Which ONE argument of the following is stated in the passage?

A.Penguins are harder to research when they have young.

B.Tour operators should encourage tourists to avoid Antarctica.

C.Not all penguins behave in the same way.

D.Penguins need better protection from tourists.小题3:What do you notice about the views presented in the passage?

A.They are groundless.

B.They are factual.

C.They are descriptive.

D.They are conflicting.小题4:What does the underlined word (final line) probably mean?

A.later on



D.in the same place


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甲在A市工作,1999年5月5日,乙找到甲,称其将承接一笔生意欲借甲2.5万元,甲表示只能借2万元,乙同意并写下一张借款2万元的借条交给甲,甲取钱时发现装钱的箱子有锁,钥匙在其妻手中,即约乙第二天取钱。当晚,甲妻归来,得知此事,坚决反对。第二天,乙前来取钱,甲以实情告知。乙称借款期限短,不超过半年,有利息,提供担保,甲只好表示再作其妻工作,并约乙第二天再来。当晚,甲做通其妻的工作。第二天,乙到甲处,甲将5月5日乙写的借条归还乙,双方签订借款协议,约定:借款期限为1999年5月7日至11月6日,利息为月息3%,甲预先扣除6个月的利息3600元,其余16400元5月 10日交付给乙。同时,双方签订抵押合同,约定:乙以其价值1.5万元的一台电脑和价值2千元的一台彩电,作为该借款协议的抵押担保。随后在乙多次催促之下,甲于6月 7日将16400元交给乙,乙接受并同时提出,因甲未按约定日期将该笔借款交给乙,致乙在生意中违约损失5000元,甲应对此承担赔偿责任,甲表示拒绝。至11月1日,乙向甲提出暂时无力还款,要求延期至12月26日,甲称家中买房急需用钱,予以拒绝。11月7日甲向乙提出归还全部借款,乙表示无力偿还,甲遂要求乙变卖彩电、电脑,似其款清偿。另经查证:1999年8月8日,乙与丙签订借款1万元协议,乙以其该电脑与丙签订抵押合同,并办理抵押物登记,该借款协议期限为 1999年8月8日至2000年5月7日;乙的彩电在使用中因供电部门原因电压不稳,致电视机损坏,供电部门赔偿500元,该电视机现价值1000元。  甲、乙之间1999年5月5日借款合同是否成立,甲是否应当向乙交付2万元()




