




材料一  1941年6月苏德战争爆发前,有人问过丘吉尔将对苏德战争持什么态度。他说:“如果希特勒入侵地狱,我至少也要在下院发表一篇同情魔王的声明。                 ——《丘吉尔的一生》   

材料二  斯大林格勒之战,英美报纸比之为凡尔登战役,“红色凡尔登”之名已传遍于世界。这个比拟并不适当。……这一战,不但是苏德战争的转折点,甚至也不但是这次世界反法西斯战争的转折点,而且是整个人类历史的转折点。                           ——毛 * * 《第二次世界大战的转折点》

材料三  罗斯福去世时,中 * * 党主办的《新华日报》在1945年4月14日发表的社论《民主巨星的陨落:悼罗斯福总统之丧》中称:“罗斯福忠实地继承了华盛顿、杰斐逊、林肯以来最优秀的民主传统,从他开始从政的时候起,一直就本着为人民服务,为人民争取自由的精神和一切反民主的敌人作了坚决而不倦的斗争。”  



(2)英美报纸将斯大林格勒战役比之为凡尔登战役的原因是什么?为什么毛 * * 认为这个比拟不适当? 


(3)根据材料三结合所学知识分析中 * * 党为什么会给罗斯福这样高的评价?



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答案:D题目分析:先对A、B、C整体分析,受重力、支持力和推力,根据牛顿第二定律,有 ,若AB恰好相对静止,则,此时,若C和AB恰好相对静止则,此时,为了保证ABC能够一起运动,则应满足。故选D点评:此类问题应...

How do you make friends? Some students are sharing their ideas with us.
Although we are quite different, Adam and I have been close friends for 5 years. We have a lot to talk. We play basketball together after school. We go for a picnic at weekends. It’s always a pleasure to be with him.
I spend my spare time mostly with people from other countries. When I’m with them, I really get to know what they’re like and how easy they are to get along with. They help me to improve my English.
I’ve made some good friends at the gym I go to. People there are very friendly. Talking to them as I take exercise is a good way for us to get to know each other.
I can make more friends on the Internet because it keeps me in touch with the whole world. I can get worldwide stories from my friends all over the world.
小题1:Adam is ______ friend.
小题2: Anna likes to make friends who  ________________.
A.are different from each other .B.like surfing the Internet
C.have the similar interestD.speak English.
小题3: With the help of her friends, Yumi ______.
A.takes more exerciseB.learns English better
C.feels happier at picnicsD.knows more about the world
小题4:What helps Peter make more friends?
A.The story.B.The sport.C.The Internet.D.The language.
小题5:According to the passage, which is Not True?
A.Peter often tells his friends funny stories.
B.Anna often takes exercise.
C.Yumi’s friends are easy to get along get with.
D.Adam and Tom often go for a picnic at weekends.