
阅读理解。 Some 80 percent of graduate stude




     Some 80 percent of graduate students in East China's Zhejiang province said in a survey they will give

up trying to find jobs in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, first-tier cities in China that have been

considered dream places for many, because of the untouchable home prices and high living costs.

     The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 job seekers who were attending Sunday's

job fair in Jiangsu for graduate students. The survey showed graduates are becoming more realistic in their job search despite the job market becoming better.

     The fair attracted more than 10,000 graduate students with 7,382 positions.

     "The pressure of buying a house in Beijing is unbelievable," said Wang Jian from Nanjing Normal

University, who acknowledged he had thought about finding a job in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, but

in the face of huge pressures, he has no choice but to be "realistic."

     People can have a very comfortable life in Nanjing with a monthly salary of between 3,000 yuan ($450) and 4,000 yuan, but in Shanghai, 5,000 yuan a month can only help you survive and buying a house will

remain a dream,

     A student from Nanjing University of Science and Technology said he just turned down an offer from a Shanghai company of 7,000 yuan a month because "living costs in Shanghai are too high."

     An unnamed male student from Nanjing University said he will try first-tier cities only if he can get a high salary. "I would go to Beijing only if I can earn 200,000 yuan a year," he said.

     "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou once had the advantages that other cities don't have, but the high

housing prices and living costs make young people barely able to breathe," said Ren Leiming from the job

service center of Jiangsu's colleges and universities.

     "First-tier cities have plenty of talents that make it hard for people to be outstanding, and if you go work in smaller cities you can become a dominant player at your position much more easily," said Ren.

1. The majority of graduate students will give up trying to find jobs in the first-tier cities because


A it is not easy to find jobs there .

B. home prices and living costs there are very high.

C .they can't make full use of their knowledge and skills there .

D. monthly salaries there are low compared with those in other cities .

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the job market now?

A. There are more job opportunities offered now

B The job markets are becoming more and more competitive .

C. Many graduate students are n't satisfied with the working conditions

D Companies and enterprises have stricter rules to take in graduate students .

3. We can learn from the news report that _____.          

A. In Shanghai, 5,000 yuan a month can only help you buy a luxury house.

B. The fair attracted more than 10,000 graduate students and laid-off workers  with 7,382 positions.

C. The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 personnel managers who were attending

Sunday's job fair in Jiangsu for graduate students.

D. A student from Nanjing University of Science and Technology turned down an offer from a Shanghai

company of 7,000 yuan a month

4. The words Ren said in the last paragraph mean _____.

A. people can't achieve more in first-tier cities.

B. people can easily be outstanding in smaller cities.

C. he would rather go to first-tier cities than smaller cities.

D. talents are more welcome in first-tier cities than smaller ones.


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材料一 土改后的几组调查材料:1952年对山西49村农民的调查:有10780亩土地被出卖;1953年对湖北、湖南、江西三省农村的调查:有12.52%的农户出租土地;1952年对山西忻县的调查:在被调查的2486户农民中,放高利贷的有20户。


材料二 邓予恢在(在全国第一次农村工作会议上的总结报告》中指出:今天农业生产的发展,还有许多困难的条件限制了它,约束了它要在现有基础上提高一步,就必须帮助农民解决以下三个问题:1.必须帮助贫困农民解决生产资料的困难,主要是牲畜、农具、肥料、种子等困难。2.帮助农民减少自然灾害,如水灾、旱灾、虫灾等。……用什么办法帮助农民解决生产中的这些困难呢?当然,国家要大力帮助。……另一条道路是新道路,是领导农民组织起来,靠大家互助合作的力量……。


材料三  1951年9月全国第一次互助合作会议制定了《中 * * 关于农业生产互助合作的决议》(草案)指出:必须提倡组织起来,按照自愿互利的原则发展农民的劳动互助的积极性。1953年到1955年,农业互助合作组织继续稳步发展。这时期建立起来的合作社,80%以上增产增收,15%持平,5%减产减收,


材料四 在农业合作化的过程中,一部分干部滋长了急于求成的情绪,在合作社的发展上盲目求多求快,强迫农民入社。结果出现了一些农民杀猪砍树,卖羊卖牛,不积极生产,甚至破坏农具的现象。


材料五  1955年7月,毛 * * 约见中央农村工作部负责人邓于恢谈话,主张1956年要在现有65万个合作社的基础上发展到130万个,但邓子恢坚持只按原计划发展到100万个。后来毛 * * 批评邓予恢犯了右倾机会主义错误,像一个“小脚女人”一样走路,东摇西摆,老是埋怨别人走快了,走快了,满脑子无穷的忧虑和数不清的清规戒律。






(4)邓子恢、毛 * * 争论的焦点是什么?哪个人的观点更正确?为什么?(3分)
