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参考答案:A, C, E


The primitive root of the pleasure of parenthood is two-fold. (46) On the one hand, there is the feeling of part of one’s own body externalized, prolonging its life beyond the death of the rest of one’s body, and possibly in its turn externalizing part of itself in the same fashion, and so securing the immortality of the germ plasma. On the other hand there is an intimate blend of power and tenderness. The new creature is helpless, and there is an impulse to supply its needs, an impulse which gratifies not only the parent’s love towards the child, but also the parent’s desire for power. (47) So long as the infant is felt to be helpless, the affection which is bestowed upon it does not feel unselfish, since it is in the nature of protection to a vulnerable portion of oneself.

(48) But from a very early age there comes to be a conflict between love of parental power and desire for the child’s good, for, while power over the child is to a certain extent decreed by the nature of things, it is nevertheless desirable that the child should as soon as possible learn to be independent in as many ways as possible, which is unpleasant to the power impulse in a parent. Some parents never become conscious of this conflict, and remain tyrants until the children are in a position to rebel. Others, however, become conscious of it, and thus find themselves a prey to conflicting emotions. In this conflict their parental happiness is lost. (49) After all the care that they have bestowed on the child, they find to their mortification that he turns out quite different from what they had hoped. They wanted him to be a soldier, and they find him a pacifist, or, like Tolstoy, they wanted him to be a pacifist, and he joins the Black Hundreds.

But it is not only in these later developments that the difficulty is felt. (50) If you feed an infant who is already capable of feeding himself, you are putting love of power before the child’s welfare, although it seems to you that you are only been kind in saving him trouble. If you make him too vividly aware of dangers, you are probably actuated by a desire to keep him dependent upon you. If you give him demonstrative affection to which you expect a response, you are probably endeavoring to grapple him to you by means of his emotions. In a thousand ways, great and small, the possessive impulse of parents will lead them astray, unless they are very watchful or very pure in heart.

(46) On the one hand, there is the feeling of part of one’s own body externalized, prolonging its life beyond the death of the rest of one’s body, and possibly in its turn externalizing part of itself in the same fashion, and so securing the immortality of the germ plasma


中 * * 在近代历史中的荣与辱、兴与衰,无不同国共两党或亲密相处或怒目相向有关。阅读下列材料:

材料一 国民党败退台湾以后,以台湾为依托,把海南岛和金门、马祖作为两翼,依恃其海、空军的所谓优势,不仅要保住流亡的 * * ,更要准备“反攻大陆”。蒋介石提出国民党的政治目标是“ * * 抗战,复国建国”。他的如意算盘是“一年准备,二年反攻,三年扫荡,五年成功”。


材料二 我们愿意同台湾当局协商和平解放台湾的具体步骤和条件,并希望台湾当局在他们认为适当的时机,派遣代表到北京或者其他适当的地点,同我们开始这种商谈。


材料三 实现统一,就要有个适当方式,所以我们建议举行两党平等会谈,实行第三次合作,而不提中央与地方谈判。双方达成协议后,可以正式公布。但万万不可让外国插手,那样只能意味着中国还未独立,后患无穷。

——邓 * * 《中国大陆和台湾和平统一的设想》



(2)材料三中邓 * * 提出的实现统一的“适当方式”是什么?后来又有何发展?

