
阅读理解 English is fast becoming the langu




     English is fast becoming the language of science around the world, but what is its future among

everyday speakers? One expert points out that the percentage of native English speakers is declining

(降低) while the languages of other rapidly growing regions are being spoken by increasing numbers of

people. But English will continue to remain widespread and important.

     However, British language scholar David Graddol says English will probably drop in dominance(主导)

by the middle of this century to rank, after Chinese, about equally with Arabic, Hindi, and Urdu. "The

number of people speaking English as a first language continues to rise, but it isn't rising nearly as fast as the

numbers of many other languages around the world, simply because the main population group has been

largely in the less developed countries where languages other than English have been spoken," he says.

     In a recent article in the journal Science, Mr. Graddol noted that three languages that are not near the

top of the list of the most widely spoken now might be there soon. These are Bengali, Tamil and Malay,

spoken in south and southeast Asia.

     David Crystal, the author of The Cambridge Encyclopedia(百科全书) of the English Language, says

about 1.5 billion of the world's six billion people speak it as a second tongue compared to the 400 million

native speakers. But another expert on the English language says Mr. Graddol underestimates (低估) the

future of its dominance. "All the evidence suggests that the English language snowball is rolling down a hill

and is getting faster, but nobody quite knows what's going to happen because no language has been in this

position before." He said.

1. In David Graddol's opinion, English will _____.

A. remain widespread and important

B. be more important than any other language

C. lose its dominant position

D. die away in the near future.

2. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph implies that _____.

A. snowballs will roll down faster than language balls

B. the English language snowball is rolling down faster than any time in the past

C. the English language will soon drop in dominance

D. more and more language user will choose English

3. According to David Graddol, which of the following will possibly be one of the languages that will be most widely spoken?

A. Malay.            

B. Arabic.            

C. Urdu.              

D. German

4. What should be the best title for the passage?

A. English Remaining the Dominant Position

B. The Future of English? Who Knows?

C. Opinions from Different Experts

D. The English Language Snowball Rolling Down


1-4: CDAB

                                            What makes a good student?
Luo Min, 13, Grade Seven
     A good student always has high scores. Our duty is to study well. However, some top students are
not polite, and I don't consider them good students.
     As for movie characters, I think Hermione in Harry Potter is a standard good student. She is top at
school, and is clever, kind and brave.
Wu Lan, 15, Grade Eight
     A good student has a clear goal to achieve and never gives up. For example, our monitor is always
concentrating (专心) in class. He doesn't care that we laugh at his silly gestures while he is trying to learn
something by heart. In the latest exam he did best in our grade! 
Chen Mu, 16, Grade Nine
     In my opinion, he or she who likes studying is a good student. They may not do well in exams, but they
are always working hard and trying to improve.
     I think Thomas Edison was a good student. He must have been bad in his teachers' eyes because he
didn't get good school reports. But he became a great inventor at last.
Lin Tao, 16, Grade Nine
     High scores do not mean anything. There is a student in our school who always scores high in exams.
Maybe he is a good student in his teachers' eyes. But I dislike him because he doesn't know how to care
for others. I think a good student is always ready to help, and he should be one whom your classmates feel
comfortable to be with.
NameOpinions (What makes a good student)
Luo MinTo have high scores and be polite
Wu Lan2______
Chen MuTo enjoy studying
Lin Tao4______
To feel comfortable to be with