



甲于11月1日在报上刊登广告出售某件古佛像石雕,价金500万元。乙于11月3日致函于甲,表示愿意以370万元购买。甲于11月6日函复愿降价10万元,但应于一周内答复,乙未为任何表示。 到11月26日,甲再致函于乙,愿意以400万元出售。乙不知甲之来信,于11月27日致函于甲,愿意以400万元购买。甲之信于11月28日上午到达,乙之信于11月29日下午到达。甲于发信后,获知有人愿意以高价购买,即于11月27日下午以特快专递发撤回之通知,因邮差误投,于11月30日下午始行到达。乙即发迟到之通知,并请求交付该件石雕,并移转其所有权。 12月5日在甲乙二人履行完毕后,经乙请专家鉴定,该石雕为赝品,仅值10万元。而且甲刊登广告时即明知其是赝品。 请回答下列问题:



参考答案:甲11月1日广告为要约邀请。我国《合同法》第15条规定:“要约邀请是希望他人向自己发出要约的意思表示。寄送的价目表、拍卖公告、招标公告、招股说明书、商业广告等为要约邀请。商业广告的内容符合要约规定的,视为要约。” 乙11月3日之信为要约。依据《合同法》第14条:“要约是希望和他人订立合同的意思表示,该意思表示应当符合下列规定:(一)内容具体确定;(二)表明经受要约人承诺,要约人即受该意思表示约束。 甲11月6日之信是变更要约。 (1)视为拒绝原要约而为新要约。依据《合同法》第20条第4项的规定:有下列情形之一的,要约失效:……(四)受要约人对要约的内容作出实质性变更。 (2)新要约因承诺期间经过而消灭。依据《合同法》第20条第3项的规定,有下列情形之一的,要约失效:……(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺。 甲11月26日之信是要约。 (3)要约于11月28日上午到达而生效。依据《合同法》第16条的规定,要约到达受要约人时生效。 (4)于11月27日发出撤回要约特快专递通知,于30日到达,因迟到不生撤回要约之效力。依据第17条的规定:要约可以撤回。撤回要约的通知应当在要约到达受要约人之前或者与要约同时到达受要约人。 (5)乙即发撤回要约迟到通知。 (6)甲因要约而受拘束。


One of the world's richest men has taken a close interest in one of man’s most basic functions: visiting the toilet.Bill Gates’s charitable organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is looking for inventors to design the loo of the future, which, they hope, would improve sanitation for millions of people around the world.

So, what's wrong with the traditional flush toilet? Firstly, it wastes a huge amount of potential drinking water.Secondly, they are more likely to cause pollution.This is a real problem in many areas of the developing world, where, according to United Nations estimates, unsafe sanitation causes half of all hospitalizations.Younger people are particularly at risk.Illnesses which cause diarrhea are responsible for the deaths of about 1.5 million children a year.Finally, standard lavatories simply aren’t practical in remote areas.

The challenge set by Bill Gates was to come up with a latrine which works without running water, electricity or aseptic tank(化粪池).It also needed to operate for less than 5 cents.28 designs were displayed at the recent Reinvent the Toilet Fair in Seattle, USA.Among them was one which turned human waste into electricity using microwaves, another which converted human waste into charcoal, and yet another which used urine for flushing.

But the winner was a solar-powered design which generated hydrogen gas and electricity.The team from the California Institute of Technology(CIT)picked up a prize of $ 100,000.

But clearly Bill Gates doesn’t feel he’s flushing money down the toilet.After the Seattle event he said, “We, couldn’t be happier with the response we’ve gotten,” Gates has even pledged $370m more to the future toilet project.They hope to field test more prototypes over the next three years.

小题1:Why is Bill Gates paying people to invent new toilets?

A.Because he wants to test people’s sense of creativity.

B.Because he wants to improve sanitation for many people.

C.Because he thinks the traditional ones are out of fashion.

D.Because he can’t design this kind of things himself.小题2:Which of the following is NOT a problem with the traditional flush toilet?

A.They waste too much water.

B.They might cause diseases.

C.They are not always practical.

D.They are too complicated to use.小题3:The underlined word “latrine” in the third paragraph might have similar meanings to the word “__ ”n the text.




D.prototype小题4:The team from CIT won the prize because their design        .

A.can change human waste into electricity

B.can turn human waste into charcoal

C.can produce power with solar energy

D.can use urine for flushing小题5:If someone “flush money down the toilet”, they are       .

A.showing off their wealth

B.being angry with their work onditions

C.wasting money for nothing

D.expressing their great determination
