
Japanese couples, too busy for a normal



Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives.

Several agencies have sprung up(涌现)offering actors to attend weddings or even funerals.The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years ago and around 10 agencies now send out dozens of pretend friends to family events.

Agencies such as Hagemashi Tai, which means “I want to cheer you up”, charge around £100 for each “guest”. Other services such as giving a speech in praise of a bride or the groom cost extra.

The appearance of the small fake friends industry has been linked to social and economic changes in Japan.With lifetime employment (终身雇佣制)a thing of the past, couples feel uncomfortable about inviting work colleagues to their wedding.Increasingly busy and put upon, many Japanese surround themselves with only a very small circle of friends.

When they marry, however, they are under pressure to match the number of their new partner’s wedding guests.

Office Agents, the largest provider of pretend friends, makes sure that its employees have done their homework and know all about the bride or groom before the wedding.

Hiroshi Mizutani, the company’s founder, said the fake friends he provides must look happy, be well dressed and look like people with good jobs.

小题1:Why did fake friends industry come into being in Japan?

A.Because of social and economic changes

B.Because of lifetime employment

C.Because of normal social life

D.Because of work pressure小题2:Pretend friends will be present at the following occasions except ________.




D.family gathering小题3:The agents make sure that ________.

A.fake friends have done their housework

B.fake friends have good jobs

C.fake friends must look happy and be well dressed

D.fake friends feel uncomfortable小题4:What is the best title of this passage?

A.Japanese Couples are Under Pressure to Get Married

B.Japanese Couples’ Social Life

C.The First Guest-for-hire Company in Japan

D.Japanese Couples Rely on Fake Friends


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材料一 罗斯福新政时期,1933年5月美国国会通过了《联邦紧急救济法》,并成立了以霍普金斯为首的“联邦紧急救济署”到1934年底,有大约200万个家庭得到了救济。1935年紧急救济署结束时,共发放了30亿美元的救济金。在救济困难家庭的同时,还实行了以工代赈计划,成立了公共工程署(先后拨款40多亿美元)等机构,管理公共工程项目,以吸收更多的失业者参加劳动。


材料二 国务院 * * 温 * * 2008年11月5日主持召开国务院常务会议,为了进一步扩大内需,促进经济增长而采取以下十项措施。一是加快建设保障性安居工程。二是加快农村基础设施建设。三是加快铁路、公路和机场等重大基础设施建设。四是加快医疗卫生、文化教育事业发展----六是加快自主创新和结构调整 七是加快地震灾区灾后重建各项工作。八是提高城乡居民收入。九是在全国所有地区所有行业全面实施增殖税转型改革----十是加大金融对经济增长的支持力度。初步匡算,实施上述工程建设,到2010年底约需投资4万亿元


材料三 从奥巴马竞选时提出的施政方针看,其改革内容涵盖广泛,可能是上个世纪30年代罗斯福新政以来,至今最全面的经济改革。除了包括延长一些住房贷款者丧失住房抵押赎回的期限、大幅投资公共建设、为商界提供税务优惠及更多的就业机会在内的总值600亿美元的挽救经济计划外,奥巴马还打算将税赋负担移转到高收入者,改变已实行20多年的管制松绑政策方向,扩大医疗保险范围,并且重新检视美国的自由贸易协议政策。依照目前情况来看,奥巴马很可能成为美国有史以来任内预算赤字最高的总统。分析师预测,2009年美国财政赤字可能增加两倍,至1万亿美元。





(3)据上述材料,美国罗斯福新政,竞选中的奥巴马以及中国的温 * * * * 在应对严峻局势时采取的措施中有哪些共同特点?(2分)
