
阅读理解。 A team of Japanese scientists has




     A team of Japanese scientists has discovered genes that enable rice to survive high water, providing

hope for better rice production in lowland areas that are affected by flooding.

     The genes, called SNORKEL genes, help rice grow longer stems to deal with higher water levels.

Deepwater rice generally produces low-yield (低产的) rice plants. But the researchers report they have

succeeded in introducing the genes to rice varieties that are higher-yield.

     According to the report, as water levels rise, accumulation of the plant hormone (激素) ethylene

(乙烯) makes the SNORKEL genes start working, making stem growth more rapid. When the

researchers introduced the genes into rice that does not normally survive in deep water, they were able

to rescue the plants from drowning.

     Motoyuki Ashikari, who headed the project, said his team is-hoping to use the gene on long grain

rice widely used in Southeast Asian to help stabilize production in flood-prone (易受洪水袭击的)

areas where rice with the flood-resistant gene is low in production ---about one---third to one-quarter

that of regular rice.

    " Scientifically, the gene that we found is rare but clear proof of a biological ability to adapt to a harsh

environment," he said. "It's a genetic strategy specifically to survive flooding."

    High water levels in rice field can be a serious problem. In some areas, rains can cause water levels

to rise dangerously high during the growing season and flash flooding can fully submerge plants for days

or even weeks.

    Rice is a main food for billions, and while productivity has increased dramatically since the 1960s,

yields must be doubled to meet projected requirements by 2050. More than 30 percent of Asian and

40 percent of African rice land is either lowland field or deepwater field.

    Laurentius of Utrecht University said the study is significant because high-yield rice varieties cannot

survive extremes of floods. "The introduction of these genes into high-yield varieties, using advanced

breeding strategies, promises to improve the quality and quantity of rice," he said.

1. What is the main character of SNORKEL genes?  

A. They prevent rice from being attacked by various diseases.

B. They help rice grow taller in highland regions.

C. They make rice grow tall enough to survive in deep water.

D. They make rice be ripe within a shorter time.

2. According to Ashikari, the rice with the gene his team found ______.

A. will be helpful for Southeast Asia 

B. has been widely used in Southeast Asia

C. will be one third more expensive than regular rice

D. is lower in production than regular rice

3. The underlined word"submerge"in the sixth paragraph probably means _____. 

A. cover

B. damage

C. produce

D. kill

4. What Laurentius said in the last paragraph suggests that_____.

A. rice will be planted on the farmland everywhere in the future

B. rice with SNORKEL genes will be of high quality in the future

C. high-yield rice varieties are not common nowadays

D. the quality of rice is difficult to improve


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甲、乙两同学从同一位置爬杆到顶端,∴爬杆上升的高度h相同,又 W=Gh,甲、乙两同学的体重G甲:G乙=3:4,∴甲、乙两同学爬杆做功:W甲:W乙=G甲h:G乙h=G甲:G乙=3:4; 甲、乙两同学爬杆所用时间:t甲:t乙...





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重大新闻三:2012年3月23日,省 委十三届三次全体(扩大)会议召开,省委书记苏荣发表讲话:“省委、省政府历来高度重视文化建设,党的十六大以来,我省认真贯彻落实中央关于文化建设的一系列重大决策部署,坚持以科学发展观为统领,牢牢把握社会主义先进文化的前进方向,研究部署加快我省文化体制改革工作,进一步发展繁荣文化事业,为建设富裕和谐秀美江西提供强大的精神动力和思想保证。


