
阅读理解。 The dream of getting into an Amer




     The dream of getting into an American university is coming true for more and more Chinese students.

Last year almost forty thousand Chinese students were accepted into undergraduate programs in America. That was a fifty percent increase over the year before and four times the number of undergraduate

students just five years ago.

     More Chinese students want to go to American universities and more American universities want them

to come. For Chinese students it's a chance to get a good education and for American universities it's a

chance to, well, make a lot of money. American universities received $26 billion in tuition fees from

International students last year. It's an important part of their revenue. The tuition fees for foreign students

are far higher than for domestic students. For example, the State University of New York (SUNY)

charges local students less than $5,000 a year and foreign students more than $13,000 a year.

     Places like SUNY are easy to get into. They don't look too closely at your academic record and they

accept lower TOEFL and SAT*scores. But once you're in, it gets difficult. You have to take a lot of

courses, attend lectures, participate in seminars, write essays and give presentations-all in English! The

professors don't change their teaching styles and will not lower their standards to accommodate foreign


     Many Chinese students struggle to keep up with the workload. Some drop out and about five percent

fail and have to come back home. It's not surprising because getting a degree from an American university

is difficult even for American students. Only slightly more than fifty percent of American students graduate

in four years from the university they enrolled in. Some will take five or six years to get the credits they

need to graduate. Chinese students work much harder than their American counterparts but language is a

big stumbling block for them. If you want to succeed at an American university, your English must be very, very good. At American universities, getting in is easy; getting out is hard.

1. About _________ Chinese students were accepted into undergraduate programs in

    America five years ago.

A. 27,000      

B. 8,000    

C. 4,000      

D. 10,000

2. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. American universities earn a lot of money by accepting foreign students.

B. Getting a degree from an American university isn't difficult for local students.

C. Professors in American universities will change their teaching style to make it easier for foreign students.

D. Though Chinese students work much harder, language is an obstacle anyway.

3. Which sentence can serve as the topic sentence of this passage?

A. The first sentence in Para.1.           

B. The first sentence in Para. 2.

C. The last sentence in the last paragraph.    

D. The third sentence in the last paragraph.

4. What's probably the purpose of this passage?

A. To warn that American universities are not so good as expected.

B. To warn that American universities charge foreign students too much money.

C. To warn that you won't learn anything in American universities.

D. To warn that it's not so easy to get a diploma from American universities.


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材料一 宋承唐制,抑又甚焉。三师、三公不常置,宰相不专任三省长官,尚书、门下并列于外,又别置中书禁中,是为政事堂,与枢密对掌大政。天下财赋,内庭诸司,中外管库,悉隶三司。



材料二 雅典民主政体的根本缺陷在于它把权力交给所有的公民,不需要国家管理者具有专长,不要求他们具有真知灼见。一个国家应当由既有专业知识又有道德的人去治理。统治不是有王笏的人,不是偶然选中的人,不是攫取财富的人,不是使用强术骗术的人,而是有统治知识的人。


材料三 在现代民主形成时期,古代民主受到了两种截然不同的待遇。法国革命者热情讴歌雅典,力图以古代民主的原则和精神来重建现代民主;而美国的建国者则对古代民主的原则和制度深怀疑惧,极力建设一种使民众远离政治决策过程的新型“人民政府”。最后的结果无疑很有戏剧性:崇奉古代民主的法国革命者,并未能成功地建立现代民主;而怀疑和排斥雅典的美国建国精英,反而成了现代民主的奠基者。




材料四  国家之存在,民族之绵延,历史之持续,自当有随时革新改进之处。但从没有半身腰斩,把以往一刀切断,而可获得新生的。我们要重新创建新历史、新文化,也决不能遽尔推翻一切原有的旧历史、旧传统……中国有中国自己的国家、民族与历史传统,几千年来的国情民风,有些处,迥异于他邦。……我们若只知向外抄袭,不论民主抑是极权,终究是一种行不通的一面倒主义!”                                                                








