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A maths talent who won fame this week for giving up a million-dollar prize is living with his mother in a simple flat in St Petersburg, co-existing on her ~30-a-month pension, because he has been

unemployed for many years.

The Sunday Telegraph tracked down the strange recluse (隐士 ) who shocked the maths world when  he solved a century-old puzzle known as the Poincare Conjecture.

Grigory Perelman's trouble comes from a split with a leading Russian mathematical institute, the

Steklov, in 2003. When the Institute in St Petersburg failed to re-elect him as a member, Dr Perelman

was left feeling an "absolutely ungified and untalented person", said a friend. He becEune unconfident and cut himself off.

Other friends say he cannot afford to travel to the International Mathematical Union's congress inMadrid, where many people want him to receive the maths equivalent(等价物) of the Nobel Prize, and that he is too modest to ask anyone to pay for his trip.

Interviewed in St Petersburg, Dr Perelman insisted that he was unworthy of all the attention, and

was uninterested in the prize.“I do not think anything that I say can be ofthe slightest public interest"

he said. "I am not saying that because I value my privacy, or that I am doing anything I want to hide.

There are no top-secret projects going on here. Ijust believe the public has no interest in me."

He continued: "I know that self-promotion happens a lot and if people want to do that, good luck

to them, bjt I do not regard it as a positive thing. I realised this a long time ago and nobody is going to

change my mind. Newspapers sliould be more discerning(有洞察力的) over who they write about.

They should have more taste. As far as I am concerned, I can't offer anything for their readers."

Dr Perelman has some small savings from his time as a lecturer, but is apparently unwilling to increase them with the $1 million offered by the Clay Mathematics Institute in Cambridge,Massachusetts, for solving one ofthe world's seven "Millennium Problems".

66. Grigory Perelman lives with his mother because

A. he has to look after her

B. his mother has a million dollars

C. he has been out of work for a long time

D. he is badly paid at the mathematical institute

67. The phrase "absolutely ungified and untalented person" shows that Dr Perelman felt

A. angry      B. discouraged    C. proud        D. confident

68. Grigory Perelman refused to accept the prize because .

A. he thought the prize was worthless

B. he didn't believe the news

C. he couldn't afford to travel to Madrid

D. he showed no interest in it

69. From the passage, we can infer that Grigory Perelman

A. solved the most difficult maths problem

B. has a strong personality

C. wanted to make himself known to all

D. didn't get on well with the press

70. What's the best title for the passage?

A. Great Mathematician Leads Simple Life

B. Maths Genius Abandons a Million-dollar Prize

C. Mathematics Institute Offers Grigory $1 Million

D. One ofthe World's Seven "Millennium Probtems" Solved


案情:李富裕与杨伟民于2002年1月28日签订了一房屋租赁合同,租金每月1500元,租期为一年,但只是口头约定,未采用书面形式。李富裕住进去后发现,外面下大雨的时候,房屋经常漏水,便通知杨伟民修理。但杨迟迟未予修理。李富裕只好自己出钱维修,并在修好的房屋旁边新建了一小仓库,以堆放杂物。但这些行为并未通知杨伟民。2002年9月28日,杨伟民欲将房屋收回,要求解除房屋租赁合同。李富裕以租赁期未到期为由,拒绝搬出。2002年 10月1日,李富裕因公出差,将房屋转租给其表弟居住,租金2000元,杨伟民表示反对。在李富裕出差期间,杨伟民将房屋赠与其侄女杨红,但因工作忙未办,理房屋登记手续。2002年11月1日,李富裕回到家中。杨红通知他说要开一小卖店要求李搬走,李辩说租赁合同是他与杨伟民签订的,与杨红没有关系。杨红遂拿出赠与合同证明房屋现在归她所有。







