
阅读理解。 Fish have started protecting us.




     Fish have started protecting us. It seems unlikely, but the Intelligent Automation Corporation has developed

a system that uses fish to protect our water supplies. Cities and towns share water with millions of people, so

it's important that the water is clean and safe to drink. Bluegills, which are small enough to fit in your hand, are

the fish that are protecting our water. They are common freshwater fish native to America and are also known

as bream or sunfish. According to the Associated Press, the bluegills were originally used by the Army to make

sure water was safe. Now San Francisco, New York City, Washington D.C and several other cities use the bluegill monitoring system. The bluegill system works by constantly filling the fish tank with city or town water. A

small group of bluegills swim in the local water and are closely monitored.

     Bluegills are very sensitive to their environment. Changes in the environment cause their behavior and

breathing patterns to change. They cough if the water is polluted. Fish cough by flexing their gills (鳃) to get

rid of unwanted particles, like grain of sand, from their breathing passages. If the bluegills are coughing the

computer sends an alarm via email.

     The bluegills in New York City discovered an diesel spill (柴油外溢) hours before the usual monitors.

Adding the bluegill system to regular water protection methods resulted in an early warning and safer water.

1. People use the bluegill system to monitor water supplies_____.

A. because they have high sensibility to their environment

B. because they are used to swimming in the fresh water

C. because they can cough by means of their gills

D. because they are able to send e-mails by computers

2. Which of the following statements about Bluegills is NOT true?

A. They are about the size of a human hand.

B. They are freshwater fish easily found in America.

C. They were used to safeguard water in the army.

D. They are smarter than any other living thing on earth.

3. People decide whether the water is polluted by means of _____.

A. information sent by the Army

B. the warning e-mail the computer sends

C. observing the activities of bluegills

D. constantly filling the fish tank with water


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题型:问答题 案例分析题

1776年7月4日通过的《独立宣言》宣告了美国的独立。宣言中说:我们认为这一真理是不言自明的:人人生而平等,并由造物主赋予了某些不可转让的权利,其中包括生命、自由和追求幸福的权利。为了保障这些权利。才在人们当中设立政府,而政府的合法权利来自于被统治者的同意。无论何种形式的政府,若无视这个目的,则人民就有权改变他或废除它,并建立新的政府。新政府应当建立在最能保障人民的安全和幸福的原则之上,并应按照符合这种原则的形式组织他的权利机关。马克思将《独立宣言》称为人类历史上的“第一个 * * 宣言”。

