
对加粗的实词解释无误的一项是 ①凌万顷之茫然 ②击空明兮溯流光 ③倚歌而和之 ④








A.①凌驾 ②逆流而上 ③靠着 ④细丝

B.①越过 ②顺水而下 ③靠着 ④一条

C.①越过 ②逆流而上 ③循  ④细丝

D.①凌驾 ②逆流而上 ③循  ④一条


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    I can still remember my first day at school. I was only 6 years old at that time. It was a very big room.

I sat at the desk near the window, but I couldn't see anything because the windows were too high. There

was a big map of the world on the wall and an old blackboard. I don't think I was worried or afraid at that

time. There was another little boy next to me. He sat there and kept quiet at first. Then he began to cry,

because he didn't want to stay there. More and more students came in, but the boy didn't stop crying. Later

the teacher came in. She went to the small boy and said something to him. The boy stopped crying and

began to smile. To this day, I still wonder what the teacher said to the little boy.

1. When did the writer go to school? [ ]

A. When she was six years old

B. When she was seven years old

C. When the teacher asked her to go to school

D. When her parents were not at home

2. Where did the writer sit? [ ]

A. Near the window

B. In front of the classroom

C. In the middle of the classroom

D. Near the door

3. How did the writer feel at that time? [ ]

A. She was not worried but she was afraid

B. She was not afraid but worried

C. She was not afraid or worried

D. She was not only afraid but also worried

4. Why did the little boy cry? [ ]

A. Because he wanted to go home

B. Because he didn't want to stay there

C. Because he had no seat

D. Because he didn't see his mother

5. What did the teacher do to make the boy smile? [ ]

A. She went to the small boy and said something to him

B. She gave him something to eat

C. She called his mother

D. She said something interesting to him


甲、乙、丙三人设立A普通合伙企业,约定甲出资4万元,乙出资3万元,丙出资3万元。三人按4:3:3的比例分担和分配合伙损益。A企业成立后,与B公司签订购货合同,保证人为丁。后因A企业无力偿还货款,B公司要求丁承担保证责任,丁以未约定保证形式,只承担一般保证责任为由拒绝。B公司遂对A企业和保证人丁提起诉讼。法院经审理查明,甲对戊负有债务2万元,戊对A企业负有债务2万元;乙对C公司负有债务2万元。 要求:根据上述情况和合伙企业、担保法律制度的有关规定,回答下列问题: (1)丁认为未约定保证形式,自己只承担一般保证责任的观点是否正确为什么 (2)戊能否将甲欠他的2万元债务与他欠A企业的2万元债务抵销为什么 (3)若乙个人财产不足以清偿对c公司的2万元债务,则C公司可以通过何种途径用乙在A企业中的财产份额清偿2万元债权
