
一般资料:求助者,女性,44岁,已婚,公司职员。焦虑不安,伴头痛、失眠四个多月。 案

题型:不定项选择 案例分析题


一般资料:求助者,女性,44岁,已婚,公司职员。焦虑不安,伴头痛、失眠四个多月。 案例介绍:求助者在一家公司工作了十余年。前几年生意好做,薪金较高,房子和车子都有。丈夫是中学教师,夫妻感情好,儿子上高中,学习优异。近几年来生意有些难做,求助者虽然很努力,但一直没有涨工资。几个月前,父亲因癌症住院治疗,花了不少钱,求助者为家人的健康担忧,也为钱的事苦恼。最近四个月以来,开始担心母亲及家人的身体健康,又担心公司会不会垮掉,自己失业。有时想到虽然现在夫妻恩爱,等到将来自己万一生病死亡,丈夫可能会再娶。又想到儿子考上大学后要面临工作择业和谈婚论嫁等诸多困难,自己如何能应付得了。伴有头痛、失眠、心慌、胸闷、烦躁。半夜醒来经常是一身大汗,坐立不安,睡不着觉就只好起来在房间里走来走去,影响家人的睡眠,楼下的邻居也有意见,但自己也没有更好的办法。服用安眠药有些效果,但又怕长期服用会上瘾,因此寻求心理咨询师帮助。







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Passage Four


Read the passage below and then do the exercises that follow.

If a Mecca exists for today’s youth, it must take the form of a rock concert. Such a colossal event draws people from surprisingly distant places and from oddly diverging lifestyles. The sophisticated college student may be seated next to the wide-eyed junior high cheerleader, the latter showing fright at the approach of a wild-eyed freak. How do these incompatible character types find a mutual appeal in rock concert What induces young people to exchange the few dollars earned through babysitting or car washing for a concert ticket

To many, the answer is immediately obvious—the music is the source of appeal at a concert. The quality of the sound produced, however, frequently casts doubt on this explanation. Unquestionably, rock concertsare loud ; the decibel level of some reportedly exceeds that attained by a jet plane on takeoff. In addition, this aural assault is often intensified by an out-of-tune guitar, by the faltering voice of the performer, or by the bad acoustic in the concert hall. Rock groups generally correct these problems in a studio; their recordings may even boast pleasing harmonies with intelligible lyrics. So why do we battle crowds to secure choice seating at a concert creates a magical, otherworldly atmosphere, reminiscent of a childhood never-never land. An eerie darkness shrouds the hall, and then, just as in our favorite fairy tale, the supernatural being( otherwise identified by the vulgar term, "rock star") appears in a burst of light. In another context he would have been known as a" god out of the machine. " Bizarre lighting schemes and gimmicks such as mock hangings or fire-breathing contribute to the atmosphere of other-worldliness in some acts. The fans are permitted only a glimpse of the star before he vanishes once more in the darkness, only to materialize the following evening in a concert hall hundreds of miles away. The stage becomes the rock star’s only natural habitat; for us, he can have no existence apart from it. We can scarcely conceive of our idols performing such mundane activities as going to the dentist, shopping for tuna fish, or changing the baby, perhaps we have a need to believe in an illusory creature of the night, somehow different from ourselves. Who fits this description better than a rock star

Referring to this passage, what is the presumed reason for the popularity of rock concerts and rock stars What alternative explanation does the author give in the passage ?
