
阅读理解。 When a Swedish ship that sank in




     When a Swedish ship that sank in 1628 was recovered from the port of Stockholm, historians and

scientists were overjoyed with the chance to examine the remains of the past. The ship construction

showed how ships were built and operated during the seventeenth century. In this way, artifacts, objects

made by human beings, provided a picture of daily life almost 400 years ago.

     Underwaterarchaeology-the study of ships, aircraft and human settlements that have sunk under large

bodies of water-is really a product of the last 50 years. The rapid growth of this new area of study has

occurred because of the invention of better diving equipment.Besides the Swedish ship wreck (残骸),

underwater archaeologists have made more exciting discoveries such as the 5000-year-old boats in the

Mediterranean Sea.

     Underwater archaeology can provide facts abut the past. In ancient ports all over the world are ships

sunken in the past 6,000 years. There are also sunken settlements in seas and lakes telling of peoples way

of life and their systems of trade in ancient times. Underwater archaeologists want to study these objects

to add to the world's knowledge of history, but they have to fight two enemies. One enemy is treasure

hunters who dive for ancient artifacts that they can sell to collectors. Once sold, these objects are lost to

experts. The second enemy is dredging machines (挖掘机) often used to repair ports. These machines

destroy wrecks and artifacts or bury them deeper under sand and mud. By teaching the public about the

importance of underwater "museums" of the past, archaeologists are hoping to get support for laws to

protect underwater treasures.

1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage?

A. To provide background information of the topic

B. To attract readers' attention to the topic

C. To use an example to support the topic

D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic

2. The aim of underwater archaeology is to _____.

A. exploit water bodies

B. search for underwater life

C. study underwater artifacts

D. examine underwater environment

3. Underwater archaeologists are worried because _____.

A. sea hunters have better diving equipment 

B. their knowledge of world history is limited 

C. dredging machines cause damage to the ports 

D. sold artifacts can hardly be regained for research

4. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce a young branch of learning. 

B. To discuss the scientists' problems. 

C. To explain people's way of life in the past. 

D. To describe the sunken ships.


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(1)共价键 (2)元素X的数值越大,元素的非金属性越强(或元素X的数值越小,元素的金属性越强)原子半径越小,X的数值越大 (3)Br大于I (4)N (5)第六周期第ⅠA族题目分析:由表中数据可以看出,元素X的数...





       孩子们听完题目后想了好久,始终弄不清二分钱在谁的手里。大家只好去问老师。老师略加思索,笑着说:“二分钱并不存在,这是一道诡辩题,不错,最初老汉是收了六角钱,可是,当老汉拿出一角钱让小孙子追还顾客时,六角钱就不存在了,小孙子退给每位顾客二分钱,顾客共花了五角四分。这些钱中的五角,在老汉手里,余下的四分,小孙子买了茶水。这笔账本来是很清楚的。大家之所以感到糊涂,是因为没有弄清出题者在两个地方搞了诡辩。第一,五角四分加上四分的计算是荒唐的,因为买茶水的四分钱已经包含在顾客买瓜所付的五角四分之中了;第二,拿五角八分去对六角也是荒唐的,因为六角钱早已不存在  了。”  这么一说,孩子们恍然大悟,正准备离开,却被老师叫住了。老师说:“你们知道为什么被迷惑吗?就在于你们看问题简单化了。客观事物给你们留下的印象是深刻的,以致当事物变化后你们还不肯改变最初的印象。你们看,起先老汉收了六角钱,可由于其中的一 角被退还很快就不存在了。而你们的脑海里却始终保留着‘六角钱’的印象。这种静止不  变的思考方式是有害的,它会妨碍我们正确地分析事物。譬如,我们有的人养成了‘先入为主’的习惯,当某个同学给他的最初印象不好时,他会把这种印象牢牢地固定住。当这  位同学改正了以前的缺点后,他也仍然不肯改变以前的印象。”    


1.老汉让小孙子去追三位顾客的原因是   [ ]





A.所差的二分钱被小孙子花掉了。    (     )    

B.所差的二分钱根本不存在。    (     )    

C.所差的二分钱在老汉手里。    (     )  



