



近年来,社会中出现的种种违背诚实信用原则的现象。如2002年,经人介绍,北京某商贸公司打算购买某企业欲出售的一套房屋,双方商定了价格、签订房屋买卖合同的时间。可过了没多久,售房企业就将该套房屋以更高的价格卖给了别人。为此,商贸公司要求售房企业承担违约责任赔偿损失,但售房企业以双方未签合同为由不予理睬。在2003年抗击非典期间,市场上也出现了以预防非典为名的虚假广告,不法商人借机发财。据介绍,北京市消协2003年受理全部投诉共15000余件,其中,经营者不诚信行为侵害消费者权益的投诉占全部投诉的85%。这些问题正成为影响消费者消费信心、阻碍市场经济正常发展的桎梏,而由此也引发出关于诚信的讨论,讲诚信、重 * * 正成为社会各界关注的热点。  请分析本文提出的在市场经济中的诚实信用原则。   答题要求:  1、运用掌握的法学和社会知识阐释你的观点和理由;  2、说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确;  3、字数不少于500字。


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     上星期天芳芳和朋友们去公园了。她在路上看到一块手表。她怎么做的? 请根据提示写出四句话,表达。

     1. last Sunday, Fang Fang, go, friends  

     2. see, watch, on the ground

     3. pick up, think, whose                

     4. give, policeman.





Training as mental-health professionals is supposed to be "color blind". That sounds fine but in practice it means that people from black and ethnic groups get an unfair treatment because their particular problems are seldom acknowledged.

So a project was piloted involving Bangladeshi women in inner-city London, most of whom migrated to the UK in the 1960s and 1970s from a rural background. Many of these women turned to their doctors with common symptoms of anxiety, such as headaches, sleeping difficulties, loss of appetite and lack of energy. They were usually prescribed tranquillizers or even Vitamin C since the underlying causes remained, the women visited their doctors with increasing frequency and some were referred on to mental-health professionals.

The psychologists wanted to see how normal Western approaches to anxiety problems might work when applied across cultures. However, they found that many things in the standard approach had to be changed. They had to translate many of the usual examples—they would normally compare learning to relax with learning to drive, for instance, which would not have been culturally appropriate. At first they asked the women to rate, on a scale one to ten, the effect of relaxation on their level of anxiety. They found numbers an odd way of expressing how they were feeling. So psychologists shifted their focus to words and talked of five stages form "very good" to "very bad".

As it was a pilot project, there were shortcomings. Psychologists looked for too little back-up and did not collect as much objective data as they might have done with a white group. They fell into the white stereotype of assuming that Bangladeshi women would find the use of various checklists and written records foreign. Perhaps racism has conditioned the professionals to a greater extent than they expected. Psychologists found that using a Western model across cultures has potential. But it needs political, financial and personal commitment.

Which of the following statement can best summarize the main idea of the passage().

A. Bangladeshi women living in Britain suffer from different levels of anxiety.

B. Western models prove to be unsuccessful in treating psychological problems of ethnic groups.

C. Mental problems of ethnic groups have not got due recognition.

D. People relate better to people of similar backgrounds.
