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(二)纳税人基本情况:某食品公司以屠宰牛、生产肉制品为主营业务,系增值税一般纳税人,位于某县工业园区,2009年销售收入352800000元,主营业务成本337040000元,主营业务税金及附加20000元,营业费用14530000元管理费用3010000元,财务费用1860000元,营业外收入3000000元,营业外支出10000元,利润总额-670000元。增值税期末留抵税额1127054.58元。注册税务师2010年1月初受托对该企业2009年度的纳税情况进行审核,获得下列资料:1.根据该生产部门填制的产品入库表统计,该公司2009年共生产成品数量20044662.07公斤,而该公司财务入库数量为19994603.32公斤,相差50058.75公斤。经注册税务师进一步核实,发现其相差的数量40000公斤系企业按市场价格直接抵消WHM餐饮公司就餐招待费用722000元(有WHM餐饮公司提供的一百余张收据及双方协议为证,公司相关账务处理为:借记“管理费用—其他”722000元,贷记“应付账款”722000元;借记“应付账款”350088元,贷记“库存商品”350088元),剩余属于正常损失数量。2.该公司2009年农副产品收购发票抵扣联开具金额为236065852.42元,而该公司记账凭证记载的收购金额为242104869.01元,实际抵扣增值税进项税额31473632.97元。3.经过检查其账簿、凭证及相关纳税资料,未发现副产品销售记录的记载,经询问生产部门负责人,得知该公司将副产品提供给安徽的上家生物公司了。账载收到该生物公司赞助款后,企业账务处理为:借:银行存款 2974419.5贷:营业外收入—接受赞助款 2974419.54.2009年度购入载货汽车10辆,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为2000000元、增值税款340000元。企业账务处理为:借:固定资产 200000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 340000贷:银行存款 23400002009年度公司将上述载货汽车闲暇时间用于对外出租,全年累计取得租金收入160000元,企业账务处理为:借:银行存款 160000贷:管理费用——其他 1600005.该公司占地面积185000平方米,经核实2008年一2009年度应缴纳土地使用税740000元,企业已缴纳土地使用税180000元,少缴纳土地使用税560000元,其中2008年度少缴纳224000元,2009年度少缴纳336000元。在2009年10月份主管地方税务机关例行纳税评估时发现了上述问题,企业已按税务机关的要求补缴了税款560000元和滞纳金95200元。企业账务处理为:借:管理费用——土地使用税 560000——其他 95200贷:银行存款 6552006.注册税务师经核实费用类科目的明细核算,归集企业全年在费用类科目中核算的有合法票据的“业务招待费”金额为1020000元,广告宣传费金额10000000元。7.假设所有产品已全部销售,库存为零;所有产品增值税适用税率为13%。问题:



It is clear that we are rapidly becoming a global culture. New forms of information technology, intercontinental travel, and the complex nature of economics are all elements in such a change. Japan, an ancient (1) culture, now dominates the West economically while its own traditional (2) is rapidly becoming (3) in the process.
It does not take a great deal of analysis to see the vast interchanges of cultural influences in the world today. The thirst for (4) fashions, popular music, and the other elements of consumer culture (5) great inroads in non-Western lands while the West seeks out everything from the religious traditions of the Ease (6) the art and music these countries produce. In the field of (7) , to cite one conspicuous example, contemporary readers seek books (8) those of the West. Latin American authors, as well as those from Africa, Asia, and India, now find appreciative audiences.
A (9) culture does not mean a unitary or "one world" culture. It does mean that people are increasingly aware of the diversity of culture. World events enter our living rooms so that things that may once have been (10) of as distant (11) now greet us immediately and in color. We may watch those events on a television made in Japan while wearing clothes sewn in Thailand and shoes made in Hungary while snacking (12) food grown in Mexico. Such an economic interdependence reflects the reality of a global banking system, the globalization of the economy, and the increasing (13) of information and information technologies.
(14) has this shrinking of distances (and attitudes) become more clear than in the academic debates over what constitutes a liberal (15) education today. Is it possible (or desirable) to have the Western core of humanities (16) the center-piece of a curriculum The place of non-Western and non-traditional cultures as part of the general (17) of a student is hotly argued in educational circles. The very fact of that discussion (18) to the emergence of a global consciousness with a continued shrinking of parochial attitudes. The (19) that such globalization is hotly debated only emphasizes the profound nature of the (20) taking place in our culture.
