
阅读以下文字,完成以下问题。 时间精确标准的建立从古代起就很自然选择了天(日)为时间



时间精确标准的建立从古代起就很自然选择了天(日)为时间间隔标准,一日之内再分为24小时(h),每小时分为60分钟(m),每分钟再分为60秒(s)。最初以太阳升到最高点(日影最短)为中午,连续两次中午之间的时间间隔为1日,叫太阳日。后发现太阳日的长度在变化,就用某恒星连续两次经过子午圈的时间作为1日,称为恒星日。它比太阳日均匀多了,再按一定比例折算为太阳日,称为平太阳日,相应的时间系统就称为平太阳时,也就是世界时(UT)。这实际上是以地球自转周期作为时间间隔标准,如果地球自转是绝对稳定,那就没有问题。可是随着守时工具(钟)的不断改进,在凹世纪初期就从天文观测中发现地球自转周期不够稳定。在 50年代曾经采用地球公转周期作为标准,称为历书时,但因测定困难而很快放弃。
自1960年起,以原子频标为基础的原子钟出现,并且稳定度不断提高。后来发现以铯原子(Cs)的同位素制造的原子钟稳定性最好。[ ],在地球上的一切活动又离不开地球自转,用世界时较方便。于是从1972年起,建立一种协调世界时(UTC),在日常生活和科学实验中采用。协调世界时秒长与原子时秒长一样,但时刻尽量接近世界时。因为地球自转速率变化的趋势是减慢,平均不到一年,原子时就比世界时快1秒。为了保持原子时系统的完整,在适当时候就把协调世界时加1秒,叫做跳秒。从1972年到现在已有40次跳秒。地球自转偶尔也有加快时候,也可能有时原子时比世界时慢了1秒多,此时就把协调世界时减慢1秒,叫做闰秒。但这种情况很少。

文章第二段的[ ]处该补入的最合适的词语是( )。






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     The people who built Stonehenge in southern England thousands of years ago had wild parties,

eating barbecued pigs and breaking pottery.This is according to recent work by archaeologists-history

experts who investigate how human beings lived in the past.

     Archaeologists'digging near Stonehenge last year discovered the remains of a large prehistoric

village where they think the builders of the mysterious stone circle used to live.The village is about

4,600 years old,the same age as Stonehenge and as old as the pyramids in Egypt.It is less than two

miles from the famous ancient landmark and lies inside a massive man-made circular dirt wall,or

"henge",known as the Durrington Walls.

     Remains found at the site included jewellery,stone arrowheads,tools made of deer antlers,wooden

spears and huge amounts of animal bones and broken pottery."These finds suggest Stone Age people

went to the village at special times of the year to feast and party," says Mike Parker-Pearson from

Sheffield University in England.

     He said many of the pig bones they found had been thrown away half-eaten.He also said the

partygoers appeared to have shot some of the farm pigs with arrows,possibly as a kind of sport before

barbecuing them.

     An ancient road which led from the village to the River Avon was also found.Here,the experts think,

people came after their parties to throw dead relatives in the water so the bodies would be washed

downstream to Stonehenge.

     Parker-Pearson believes Stonehenge was like a cemetery where ancient Britons buried the dead

and remembered their ancestors."The theory is that Stonehenge is a kind of spirit home to the ancestors."

     The recent discovery of the village within the Durrington Walls shows that Stonehenge didn't stand

alone but was part of a much bigger religious site,according to Parker-Pearson.

     People still come to worship and celebrate at Stonehenge today.They meet there when the sun sets

on the shortest day of winter and when it rises on the longest day of summer.But the days of barbecuing

whole pigs there and throwing family members into the river are a thing of the past.

1. What was Stonehenge according to the text?

A.A village where hundreds of people once lived.

B.A place that regularly hosted large parties.

C.A church where local villagers would get married.

D.A site where dead people were placed or remembered.

2.The underlined word"It" ( Paragraph 2) refers to________.

A.the village  


C.the pyramid  

D.the dirt wall

3.From the text we can infer that the people who came to the village________.

A.liked to drink wine  

B.knew how to hunt

C.were from Egypt  

D.lived by the River Avon

4.What do experts think people did after the village parties?

A.Returned to live at Stonehenge.

B.Prayed for good luck in the new year.

C.Hunted farm pigs as a sport.

D.Put their dead relatives in the river.

5.When do people most often go to Stonehenge today?

A.When a new discovery is made.

B.At the beginning of summer and winter.

C.On the longest and shortest days of the year.

D.When they want to have a barbecue.



     Most drinks stating that they are fruitflavored (水果味道的) contain no fruit at all, while most of the

rest contain only a small quantity of fruit, according to a study carried by the British Food Commission.

"Shoppers need to check the labels (标签) before buying drinks, though sometimes the actual content

can be nonexistent," said Food Commission spokesperson Ian Tokelove. "Food production is highly

competitive. __1__ It will increase profits, and consumers won't always realize they are being tricked."

     Flavorings are focused on the flavors of natural food products such as fruits, meats and vegetables,

or creating flavor for food products that do not have the desired flavors. Researchers analyzed the

contents of 28 strawberryflavored products sold in stores.    __2__  Of the 11 products that did contain

 strawberries, five of them contained less than one percent real fruit. In addition, each juice box

contained nearly eight teaspoons of sugar.

     __3__  Let's take jam as an example. Some strawberryflavored jam was labeled as containing no

artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners, but it contained absolutely no strawberries at all.

     __4__  Consumers have the rights to know clearly about what they have bought. Under current

UK law, food packages do not have to distinguish between natural and artificial flavoring. "Describing

a product as strawberry flavor and covering the surface of the packet with pictures of strawberries is

misleading.   __ 5   Unfortunately, it is also legal and widespread," Tokelove said. "It's time to take

measures to protect the consumers' rights."

A. The products which contain real fruit are popular with people.

B. Even products advertised as more natural often contained no fruit.

C. They found that about 60 percent of them didn't contain any fruit at all.

D. If companies can cut their costs by using flavoring, they are likely to do so.

E. It is important and necessary to demand a small amount of flavoring in the products.

F. Actually the product contains just a tiny percentage of strawberry or even no fruit at all.

G. The Food Commission suggested all flavors used in a product should be listed on the packaging.






