
On 1 July 2006, for the purpose of buying



On 1 July 2006, for the purpose of buying a shipment of a wooden plate, Oriental Construction Materials Company (Oriental Company) sent a purchase order to Wooden Company which contained the terms and conditions of the wooden plate, including quantity, quality, way of payment and time of shipment. The purchase order also indicated that Wooden Company should reply within 10 days upon receipt of the purchase order.On 9 July 2006 Wooden Company sent back a fax and accepted all the terms and conditions of the purchase order, and added the price of the said wooden plate. The fax indicated that Oriental Company should give its final decision within three days upon receipt of the fax.On 11 July 2006 Oriental Company replied with a fax accepting the price forwarded by Wooden Company and demanded that a written letter of confirmation was required for finally concluding a contract.On 15 July 2006 Wooden Company despatched a written confirmation letter, via a DHL package, which contained all the terms and conditions for the sales of the wooden plate as agreed upon by the two parties. The written confirmation letter also provided that the liquidated damages amounting to 10% of the total price of the goods would be borne by the breaching party as the liability for breach of contract.Just during the period of the negotiations between the two parties, the market price of the wooden plate rose quickly. Oriental Company urged Wooden Company to deliver the goods according to the terms of the written confirmation letter, which it alleged to constitute an effective contract, without any delay. However, Wooden Company insisted there was no contract at all between the parties. Under such circumstances Oriental Company filed a law suit against Wooden Company in the local court.Required:Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Contract Law of China and give your reasons for your answer:

(a) State the legal status of the purchase order of Oriental Company on 1 July 2006, the fax of Wooden Company on 1 July 2006 and the fax of Oriental Company on 11 July 2006. (6 marks)













案例五   【背景资料】   A 公司总承包某地一扩建项目的机电安装工程,材料和设备由建设单位提供。A 公司除自己承担主工艺线设备安装外,非标准件制作安装工程、防腐工程等均匀分包给具有相应施工资质的分包商施工。考虑到该地区风多雨少的气候,建设单位将 紧靠河边及施工现场的一所弃用学校提供给A 公司项目部,项目部安排两层教学楼的一层做材料工具工作,二楼做现场办公室,楼旁临河边修建简易厕所和浴室,污水直接排入河中,并对其他空地做了施工平面 布置。(见图5)

   开工前,项目部遵循“开源与节流相结合的原则及项目成本全员控制原则”签订了分包合同,制定了成本控制目标和措施。施工中由于计划多变、设计变更多,管理不到位,因而造成工程成本严重超过预期。   在露天非标准制作时,分包商采用CO2气体保护焊施焊,质检员予以制止。   动态炉窑焊接完成后,项目部即着手炉窑的砌筑,监理工程师予以制止,砌筑后,在没有烘炉技术资料的情况下,项目部根据在某场的烘炉经验开始烘炉,又一次遭到监理工程师的制止。   在投料保修期间,设备运行不正常甚至有部件损坏,主要原因有:①设备制造质量问题,②建设单位工艺操作失误,③安装精度问题,建设单位与A 公司因质量问题的责任范围发生争执。   【问题】

