




材料二:美国入侵朝鲜后,毛 * * 在一封电报中指出,我志愿军赴朝作战“对中国、对朝鲜、对东方(指社会主义阵营),对世界都有利”。

材料三:赫鲁晓夫执政期间,苏联继续向中国提供经济军事援助。1959年,赫鲁晓夫以援助中国发展海军的名义,向中国提出建立由苏联指挥的中苏联合海军舰队的要求,遭到毛 * * 的断然拒绝。毛 * * 回答说:“事关到中国主权问题,一个字都不能谈”。不久,苏联停止了对中国的所有援助。

材料四:毛 * * 得悉苏联撤走了援助中国发展核武器的专家和技术资料后,豪迈地说:“赫鲁晓夫停止向我们提供尖端技术,好极了!我们可以自己搞,接受了人家的援助,这笔帐是很难还清的”。遵照毛 * * 的指示,我国科技人员奋发图强,艰苦奋斗,1964年我国独立自主研制的第一颗原子弹爆炸成功,我国的国防力量大大增强。





材料五  2008年3月25日,中国外交部发言人秦刚就英国《泰晤士报》将北京奥运会与德国希特勒举办的奥运会相提并论答记者问时指出,该报把北京奥运会与1936年的德国奥运会相提并论,是对中国人民的侮辱,也是对世界各国人民的侮辱。



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参考答案:A, B, C, D

      Going to sleep may seem pretty boring compared with all the fun things you do while you are awake.
But there's a lot going on in your mind and body while you are sleeping.
      Sleep, in fact, is as important to your survival as eating and drinking. Sleep improves your mood,
makes you a better athlete, and helps you remember and understand what you learned during the day.
      During sleep, your temperature drops. Your heart beats slowly. A chemical that controls growth,
which is called a hormone (荷尔蒙), moves into your bloodstream. Scientists think that sleep brings back
energy and improves your immune (免疫) system. We know what happens while we're asleep because
scientists study volunteers who sleep in laboratories. The sleepers are connected with machines that
measure brain waves, eye movements and muscle activities.
      Sleep is like a school day: it's divided into different stages (阶段). When you are awake, your brain
waves fire rapidly (迅速地). As you begin to relax and drift into the first stage of sleep, your brain produces
slower-moving waves and you lose awareness (意识) of your surroundings. As you fall into deeper sleep,
your body repairs itself from the normal wear and tear of daily life. Then, as you begin to drift back up to
a lighter sleep, your mind becomes more alert (警觉的), and your dreams begin. You are in REM sleep.
      REM is the name for the rapid eye movement that happens while you are dreaming. During REM sleep,
your eyes move back and forth behind your lids, as though you were watching a movie. During other
stages, you might move in bed, but during REM sleep you're not making any movement. That's probably
because if you could move, your body would act out your dreams. As you get close to morning, you
spend more time in REM than in deep sleep, so you dream more. Researchers know that during REM sleep
the part of the brain that deals with learning and thinking is very active.
     Getting too little sleep can affect your personality. Experts recommend that children get at least nine
hours'sleep a night.
1. Sleep has many advantages except _______.
[ ]
A. improving your mood
B. making you strong
C. helping you study
D. practising your eyes
2. During your sleep, _______.
    ① your body repairs itself from the normal wear and tear of daily life
    ② your brain produces slower-moving waves
    ③ your dream begins
    ④ you lose awareness of surroundings Choose the right order:
A. ①③②④
B. ②④①③
C. ④①③②
D. ④③①②
3. Suppose this is the course of your sleep, in which part of the course do you have more dreams?
[ ]
A. Light sleep.
B. Deep sleep.
C. REM sleep.
D. The first two stages of sleep.
4. Which of the following is NOT right?
[ ]
A. During REM sleep, the whole brain is active.
B. You don't move while you are in REM sleep, dreaming.
C. The closer to morning, the more dreams you have.
D. Hormone has something to do with your growth.