
选词填空。bad little easy be invent sleep hou



bad   little   easy   be   invent   sleep   hour   Europe   wear   he
1. Betty ______ now much taller than she was last year.
2. After a long walk, the little boy got tired and fell ______ soon.
3. The boy is too young to look after ______.
4. I think the computer is one of the most important ______ in the world.
5. The weather report says it will be cloudy in some ______ cities in the coming days.
6.—Hi, Jack! What's wrong with Peter?
   —He fell off his bike yesterday. Luckily, he was not ______ hurt.
7. My students find English ______ to learn and they like it very much.
8. Kate ______ a beautiful dress at her 18th birthday party yesterday.
9. —These tables are very nice. Which one would you like, madam?
    —I'd like that brown one. It uses the ______ space.
10.We will arrive at that small village in about one and a half ______ time.


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