
We experience different forms of the Sun



We experience different forms of the Sun’s energy every day. We can see its light and feel its warmth. The Sun is the major source of evaporation (蒸发) of water from the oceans and lakes. Sunlight also provides the energy used by green plants to make their own food. These green plants then provide food for all organisms (生物) on the Earth.

Much of the energy that comes from the Sun never reaches the Earth’s surface. It is either reflected or absorbed by the gases in the upper atmosphere. Of the energy that reaches the lower atmosphere, 30% is reflected by clouds or the Earth’s surface. The remaining 70% warms the surface of the planet, causes water to evaporate, and provides energy for the water cycle and weather. Only a tiny part, approximately 0.023%, is actually used by green plants to produce food.

Many gases found in the atmosphere actually reflect heat energy escaping from the Earth’s surface back to the Earth. These gases act like the glass of a greenhouse in that they allow energy from the Sun to enter but prevent energy from leaving. They are therefore called greenhouse gases.

When sunlight strikes an object, some of the energy is absorbed and some is reflected. The amount reflected depends on the surface. For example, you’ve probably noticed how bright snow is when sunlight falls on it. Snow reflects most of the energy from the Sun, so it contributes to the low temperatures of winter. Dark-coloured surfaces, such as dark soil or forest, absorb more energy and help warm the surrounding air.

59. According to the passage, the root cause for weather changes on the Earth is ______.

A. the atmosphere surrounding the Earth                         

B. water from oceans and lakes

C. energy from the Sun                   

D. greenhouse gases in the sky

60. Only a small part of the Sun’s energy reaches the Earth’s surface because most of it _______________.

A. absorbed by the clouds in the lower atmosphere

B. reflected by the gases in the upper atmosphere

C. lost in the upper and lower atmosphere

D. used to evaporate water from the oceans and lakes

61. We learn from the passage that _______________.

A. all living things on the Earth depend on the Sun for their food

B. a forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energy

C. only 0.023% of the energy from the Sun is made use of on the Earth

D. greenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the Earth’s surface


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最近,国务院有关部门准备对福建省人民政府违反规定征收基础设施建设附加费的问题进行了调查。经查实,福建省人民政府自1993年1月:1日起开征属于政府基金性质的基础设施建设附加费,征收标准为:1994年税制改革前按产品税、增值税、营业税和工商统一税总额的5%随同税款由税务机关代征;税制改革后按消费税总额的2.5%,增值税、营业税总额的5%随同税关代征。根据《中 * * 、国务院关于治理向企业乱收费、乱罚款和各种摊派等问题的决定》(中发[1997]14号),除国务院及有关部门规定之外,向企业收取的基金项目一律取消。向企业收取基金必须按照规定报国务院有关部门审批,重要的须报国务院审批。福建省人民政府在中发[1997]14号文件下发后,未经国务院及有关部门批准,继续征收基础设施建设附加费,违反了党中央、国务院的决定,不仅加重了企业负担,而且严重侵蚀了所得税税基,影响了中央财政收入,其做法是极其错误的。经国务院同意,决定没收其部分收费收入上缴中央财政,并予以通报批评。各地区、各部门要引以为戒,以国家大局和长远利益为重,认真贯彻执行党中央、国务院的各项决定和政策,自觉与党中央保持一致,同心同德,确保政令畅通。

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