



男性,25岁,务农,因畏寒,发热起病,伴全身酸痛5天,出现黄疸1天,入院后黄疸进行加重,继而出现少尿。查体:神志清,血压16.6/10.6kPa,巩膜及皮肤明显黄染,注射部位,可见瘀斑,结膜充血轻度,肝肋下1.0cm压痛(+),脾肋下未触及,肾区叩击痛轻度,腓肠肌压痛轻,血常规Hb l20g/L,WBC 4.7×10 9/L,N78%,L32%,尿蛋白(++)每高倍镜下WBC(-),BBC 20个,颗粒管型1~2个,BUN 32mmol/L,最可能诊断



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题型:单项选择题 案例分析题

女,62岁,绝经11年,咳嗽负重时小便失控2年, * * 脱出鸡蛋大小肿物1年。

入院后妇科检查:平卧用力向下屏气时,子宫颈外口已脱出于 * * 口外,宫体在 * * 内。部分 * * 前壁脱出于 * * 口外。目前的诊断为()

A. * * 前壁膨出Ⅰ度,子宫脱垂Ⅰ度,张力性尿失禁

B. * * 前壁膨出Ⅰ度,子宫脱垂Ⅱ度,张力性尿失禁

C. * * 前壁膨出Ⅱ度,子宫脱垂Ⅲ度,张力性尿失禁

D. * * 前壁膨出Ⅱ度,子宫脱垂Ⅱ度,张力性尿失禁

E. * * 前壁膨出Ⅲ度,子宫脱垂Ⅲ度,张力性尿失禁

F. * * 前壁膨出Ⅲ度,子宫脱垂Ⅱ度,张力性尿失禁



      A student was one day taking a walk with a professor. He was __1__   called the students' friend,
for his kindness to those who waited on his  __2___. As they went along, they saw lying in the path a
pair of old shoes, which they supposed to belong to a poor man who was employed in a field close by,
and who had __3___ finished his day's work.
     The student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a__4__: we will hide his shoes,
and wait to see his___5___when he cannot find them."  "My young friend," answered the professor,
"we__6___ never amuse ourselves ___7___ the poor. But you are rich, and may give yourself a
much greater__8___ by means of the poor man. Put a coin into each shoe, and __9__ watch how
the discovery affects him."
     The student did so, and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man
soon finished his work, and came      10    the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
While putting on his coat he __11___ his foot into one of his shoes; but feeling something __12___,
and then he found the coin. 
      __13___and wonder were seen upon his face. He gazed upon the coin, __14__ it round, and
looked at it again and again. He then looked around but no person was to be seen. And his surprise
was __15___ on finding the other coin. His __16__ overcame him; he fell upon his knees, __17__ to
heaven and uttered aloud a passionate thanksgiving, __18__ he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless,
and his children without bread, whom the __19__ money, from some unknown hand, would save from
     The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears, "I feel now the __20__ of
those words, which I never understood before: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
( ) 1. A. normally      
( ) 2. A. directions    
( ) 3. A. eventually    
( ) 4. A. trick        
( ) 5. A. relief        
( ) 6. A. might        
( ) 7. A. at the risk of
( ) 8. A. sadness      
( ) 9. A. then          
( )10. A. across        
( )11. A. devoted      
( )12. A. hard          
( )13. A. Amusement    
( )14. A. showed        
( )15. A. decreased    
( )16. A. discovery    
( )17. A. looking up    
( )18. A. when          
( )19. A. gratefully    
( )20. A. power        
B. especially      
B. instructions    
B. hardly          
B. game            
B. confusion      
B. would          
B. at the sight of
B. anger          
B. now            
B. through        
B. settled        
B. gentle          
B. Astonishment    
B. watched        
B. raised          
B. feeling        
B. reaching out    
B. which          
B. timely          
B. meaning        
C. surprisingly      
C. introductions    
C. nearly            
C. role              
C. curiosity        
C. should            
C. at the expense of
C. surprise          
C. from time to time
C. along            
C. skipped          
C. dirty            
C. Judgment          
C. turned            
C. faded            
C. action            
C. looking out      
C. what              
C. warmly            
C. truth            
D. commonly      
D. invitations    
D. already        
D. part          
D. sorrow        
D could          
D. at the mercy of
D. pleasure      
D often          
D. over          
D. slipped        
D. tough          
D. Argument      
D. took          
D. doubled        
D. belief        
D. turning up    
D. in which      
D. totally        
D. effect        