
(A)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上



(A)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Competition is great for kids, but it does have its dark side. 71 When this happens it takes the fun out of the activities they participate in. Kids need to keep a healthy attitude toward competitive activities and as parents it is our responsibility to let them know that it's not all about winning. 72

Kids under the age of ten usually lose interest if an activity is too competitive. A good idea for kids in this age group is to allow them to participate in competitive activities but without keeping score. Emphasize that the importance of the activity I to make new friends, have fun and learn about sportsmanship. 73

When kids enter middle school, competitive activities take on new meaning. Kids like to be recognized for their efforts and winning places them in the spotlight. 74. The unfortunate thing is that kids who lose constantly get discouraged and quit participating. They feel they can't accomplish their goals or meet the expectations of teachers and parents. This can lead to low self-esteem and discourage kids from trying their best. It's best to keep them participating in competitive activities even if they only do so in the backyard with a group of their friends.

As a parent, never put the emphasis on winning. 75. Give kids praise for doing their best whether they win or lose. This sends a positive message about putting forth their best effort.

A.Winning becomes more appealing.

B.Encourage young kids to win when he participates in a competition.

C.Getting angry or depressed when he loses.

D.The importance of participating in competitive activities is to have fun.

E.Some children become over-competitive and focus only on recognition and winning.

F.Rather, encourage kids to always give their best effort.

G.Encourage young kids to give their best effort and gain self-confidence.


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以下关于《三国演义》的情节表述,有误的两项是:(    )(   )(4分)




D.却说夏侯惇引军与吕布部下高顺交战 ,高顺败下阵来,夏侯惇急追不舍,为阵上曹性暗地拈弓搭箭,射中左目,夏侯惇大叫一声,急用手拔箭,不想连眼珠拔出,乃大呼曰:“父母精血,不可弃也!”遂纳于口内啖之。E.攻打张绣期间,所过之处,稻熟将刈,为赢民心,曹操传令,凡践踏麦田者,并皆斩首。但没想到自己的马因迷路闯进麦田,违反了军令,这时谋士郭嘉提醒曹操“法应加于尊”,于是曹操以剑割发代首,并传示三军,显示自己带着执行。
