
根据下面的文字回答27~30题。               深海的发现:从“大洋中



根据下面的文字回答27~30题。               深海的发现:从“大洋中脊”到“深部生物圈”  人们看惯了绵亘的山岭和曲折的海岸,不大会去问“为什么”的问题。90年前, A.WECENER发现大西洋两侧的非洲和南美岸线可以拼合、又有共同化石,从而提出“大陆漂移”的假说,但当时回答他的只是嘲笑和冷漠。半个世纪之后,深海测量技术发现深海洋底也有高山峻岭,全世界有8万公里长的山脊蜿蜒在各个大洋,而大西洋的中脊恰好与非洲和南美洲的海岸线平行时,人们这才恍然大悟,原来大陆和大洋的岩石圈是分成若干“板块”的整体。  同样,沐浴在阳光下的人们,看惯了飞禽走兽、树木花草,决不会对“万物生长靠太阳”产生怀疑,又是深海海底“黑暗生物圈”的发现,开辟了新的视野,上世纪70年代末,“ALVIN”号深潜器在东太平洋发现了近百度的高温,原来海底有“黑烟”状的含硫化物热液喷出,冷却后形成“黑烟囱”耸立海底。更为有趣的是在热液区的生物群。现在,这类热液生物群在各大洋发现的地点已经数以百计,离我们最近的就在冲绳海槽。黑暗食物链的基础,是在还原条件下进行化合作用制造有机质的原核生物,据推测与生命起源时的生物群相近。不只是海底,近年来发现在数千米深海海底下面数百米的深处,还有微生物在地层的极端条件下生存,这种“深部生物圈”虽然都由微小的原核生物组成,却有极大的数量,有人估计其生物量相当全球地表生物总量的1/10。  “深部生物圈”的发现,大大拓宽了“生物圈”的分布范围。原来从极地冰盖到火山热泉,从深海海底到地层深处,生物的分布几乎无所不在,人类迄今研究和熟悉的,只不过是生物圈中的一小部分。不但海底,海水层里也是一样:运用新技术,发现了普通显微镜下看不见的微型浮游生物。  深海大洋的发现,纠正了我们对生物界的偏见:我们用肉眼、甚至用光学显微镜见到的,只是地球生态系统的上层,只占生物圈的一小部分;地球生态系统的真正基础,在于连细胞核都没有的原核生物。生物的一级分类,应当是古菌、细菌与真核生物三大类,而我们熟悉的动、植物只是真核生物中的一部分。  生物圈概念的扩展,也改变了地球科学与生命科学的关系。传统地质学里生物“主角”是大化石,而实际改造地球的首先是原核生物,它们几乎没有形态化石可留,只靠生态过程影响着化学元素周期表里几乎所有的元素,在三四十亿年的地质历史上默默无声地“耕耘”,直到今天才有可能得到重新评价。总之,深海大洋的研究,不仅是地球科学,也是生命科学的突破口。根据文意,下列对“大洋中脊”或“深部生物圈”有关内容的阐释,不正确的一项是 ( )。






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      Young athletes from around the world will soon get their chance at Olympic gold. The International

Olympic Committee ( IOC ) voted Thursday to host the first-ever Youth Olympics.

     The Summer Games are planned to stage in August of 2010. The 12-day competition will feature

3,200 kids between the ages of 14 and 18. The Winter Games will be held in 2012 and are expected to

attract 1,000 athletes. Both games will take place every four years.

     Seeing the rise in childhood fatness, IOC president Jacques Rogge said he hopes the competitions will encourage young people to get off the couch and get into shape. Rogge also admitted that the IOC is

looking to pull in a younger television audience to the Olympics.

      In recent years, interest in the games among young people has fallen, with the average age of Olympic viewers on the rise. Rogge admitted that kids today are more interested in flashier( 浮华的 ) athletic

sports like the X Games, which stand for such sports as BMX freestyle, surfing, and Moto X Racing.

      The Olympics have tried to keep up with the competition by adding BMX-cross cycling, ski cross,

and snowboarding to the program. And the IOC is hoping to strengthen its fame among teens by adding

skateboarding in the 2012 London Olympics.

      The Youth Olympics are the IOC's latest attempt to draw the attention of young viewers. "Just as the

IOC has known, over our 100-plus years of living, how to move with the times---so we must now adapt

to meet the taste of today's young generation," he said.

1. According to the passage, the third Winter Youth Olympics will be held ______        

A.  in 2012    

B.  in 2016    

C.  in 2020      

D. in 2018

2. The aim of the Youth Olympics is to __________.

A. encourage young people to exercise more

B. meet the needs of some schools and parents

C. develop students' sense of competition

D. stress the importance of the Olympics

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage ?

A. When the Winter Youth Olympics will be held.

B. Where the Summer Youth Olympics will be held.

C. How long the Summer Youth Olympics will last.

D. When the Summer Youth Olympics will be held

4. The Summer Youth Olympics are the following except___________.

A. going to be held in London in August of 2012

B. planned to stage in August of 2010

C. going to be held every four years from August of 2010

D. the IOC's latest attempt to draw the attention of young viewers
