
信用卡诈骗罪主体是一般主体,仅为自然人,单位不构成本罪。( )



信用卡诈骗罪主体是一般主体,仅为自然人,单位不构成本罪。( )



解析: 因为信用卡持有人为自然人,而非企业、单位,故其主体只能是自然人。

     "My name's Jim Shelley and I'm an addict (有瘾的人)…"  With these words I began to  1   the problem,
the problem of my telephone addiction. I used to call people   2  , from the moment I woke up to the time I
went to sleep. I   3   to be phoned, I wanted to phone. Just one more call.
     It started socially-a few calls each day. It seemed   4  ,  just a quick chat. Gradually though, the   5   got
worse. Soon it was   6   use, until, finally, addiction.
     And it began to affect(影响) my   7  . During the day I would disappear for   8   call. If I couldn't make a
call, I spent the whole time waiting for the phone to ring. Getting more and more   9  , in the end, I would ring
someone, then someone else,  10   myself just one more call. 
     I was phoning people and  11   messages to make sure   12   calls would see me through the day. I used to
arrive at friends' homes and before the door was closed, go straight for the phone with the   13    "Is it OK if I
just use the phone…?" At work, I became  14   when my fellow workers tried to   15   me from using the phone. And one day I hit my boss (with the phone). Finally, the police caught me  16   a phone box that had taken my
last one pound coin, and I was  17   to see a psychiatrist(心理医生).
     I haven't   19   a phone in the house for three weeks now, and it's several days   18   I used a phone box. I
try not to watch TV because there are   20   people on it making phone calls. My name is Jim Shelley and I am
an addict.
( )1. A. face       
( )2. A. now and then
( )3. A. tried       
( )4. A. polite     
( )5. A. condition   
( )6. A. frequent   
( )7. A. friends     
( )8. A. a quick     
( )9. A. hopeful     
( )10. A. forcing                
( )11. A. leaving   
( )12. A. long       
( )13. A. saying     
( )14. A. careful   
( )15. A. save       
( )16. A. destroying 
( )17. A. offered   
( )18. A. missed     
( )19. A. as         
( )20. A. always     
B. find        
B. all the time 
B. asked      
B. important  
B. situation  
B. regular    
B. study      
B. a secret    
B. delighted  
B. telling    
B. taking                       
B. immediate  
B. demands    
B. mad        
B. reduce      
B. using      
B. guided      
B. had        
B. when        
B. just        
C. accept      
C. at home      
C. waited      
C. fine        
C. result      
C. unusual    
C. family      
C. an expected  
C. frightened  
C. giving      
C. passing                
C. enough      
C. wish        
C. determined  
C. protect      
C. stealing    
C. ordered     
C. received   
C. if          
C. more      
D. notice              
D. at work             
D. invited             
D. special             
D. effect              
D. particular          
D. work                
D. an extra            
D. anxious             
D. limiting            
D. recording           
D. surprising          
D. words               
D. helpless            
D. stop                
D. emptying            
D. reminded            
D. fixed               
D. since               
D. different           

下图为研究人员依据我国多年平均气候资料,按一定方向分别选取了A →F 和①→⑥共十二个地区的数值,分类绘成甲、乙两图。读图完成1 ~2 题。

1 .我国某省为我国花生的最大的产区,则与该省的水热组合状况最相近的一组数据是 [     ]

A.E  ③            

B.D  ⑥          

C.D  ⑤          

D.E  ④

2.如果某地水热状况与D 和④地区比较相似,则对该地情况叙述正确的是[     ]

A .自然带可能是亚热带常绿阔叶林带        

B .可能是温带季风气候


