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     We once had a poster competition in our fifth grade art class.

     "You could win prizes," our teacher told US as she wrote the poster information on the blackboard. She

passed out sheets of construction paper while continuing, "The first prize is ten dollars. You just have to

make sure that the words on the blackboard appear somewhere on your poster."

     We studied the board critically. Some of US looked with one eye and held up certain colors against the

blackboard, rocking the sheets to the fight or left while we conjured up our designs. Others twisted their hair

around their fingers or chewed their erasers while deep in thought. We had plans for that ten-dollar grand

prize, each and every one of US. I'm going to spend mine on candies, one hopeful would announce, while

another practiced looking serious, wise and rich.

     Everyone in the class made a poster. Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins, while others

used nothing but colored construction paper. Some of US used big designs, and some of us preferred to

gather our art tidily down in one comer of our poster and let the space draw the viewer's attention to it. Some

of US would wander past the good students' desks and then return to our own projects with a growing sense

of hopelessness. It was yet another grown-up trick of the soil they seemed especially fond of making all of

US believe we had a fair chance, and then always-always-rewarding the same old winners.

     I believe I drew a sailboat, but I can't say that with any certainty. I made it. I admired it. I determined it

to be the very best of all of the posters I had seen, and then I turned it in.

     Minutes passed.

     No one came along to give me the grand prize, and then someone distracted me, and I probably never

would have thought about that poster again.

     I was still sitting at my desk, thinking, what poster? When the teacher gave me an envelope with a ten-

dollar bill in it and everyone in the class applauded for me.

1. What was the teacher's requirement for the poster?

A. It must appear in time.

B. It must be done in class.

C. It must be done on a construction sheet.

D. It must include the words on the blackboard.

2. The underlined phrase in paragraph 3 most probably means _____.

A. formed an idea for

B. made an outline for

C. made some space for

D. chose some colors for

3. After the teacher's words,all the students in the class _____.

A. 1ooked very serious

B. thought they would be rich

C. began to think about their designs

D. began to play games

4. After seeing the good students' designs,some students _____.

A. 1oved their own designs more

B. thought they had a fair chance

C. put their own designs in a comer

D. thought they would not win the prize

5. We can infer from the passage that the author _____.

A. enjoyed grown-up tricks very much

B. 1oved poster competitions very much

C. felt surprised to win the competition

D. became wise and rich after the competition


一、 阅读下列材料,回答问题。(10分)材料一:随着有关分类推进事业单位改革的指导意见的发布,备受关注的事业单位改革已驶上快车道。据《瞭望》新闻周刊等有关杂志披露,事业单位改革牵动了4000万“事业人”的切身利益,是否真正解决好人员能进能出、岗位能上能下的问题,直接关系着能否调动事业单位各类人才的积极性、主动性、创造性,关系着事业单位能否不断适应社会公共服务需求,为群众提供高效满意的服务。事业单位人事制度管理改革的重要目标是,实现由固定用人向合同用人转变、由身份管理向岗位管理转变。到2020年,建立起功能明确、运行高效、治理完善、监管有力的事业单位管理体制和运行机制,构建政府主导、社会力量参与的公益服务新格局,形成基本服务优先、供给水平适度、布局结构合理、服务公平公正的中国特色公益服务体系。材料二:事业单位改革情况较为复杂,有的事业单位具有双重,甚至三重属性,如何能把126万家不同类型的事业单位合理有序、公平公正地归好类。分类后的剥离涉及众多人的切身利益。权威人士介绍,事业单位分类后将实行不同的人事管理制度。比如,从事公益服务的事业单位,实行以聘用制度和岗位管理制度为主要内容的事业单位人事管理制度;承担行政职能的事业单位,转为行政机构的,实行公务员制度;从事生产经营活动的事业单位,转为企业的,实行劳动合同制度。从事公益服务的事业单位中,公益一类的公益性更强,承担着义务教育、基础性科研、公共文化、公共卫生及基层的基本医疗服务等基本公益服务,不能或不宜由市场配置资源,不能在市场上创收,在审批编制内设岗,规范人事管理,搞活内部用人机制;公益二类承担着高等教育、非营利性医疗等公益服务,可部分由市场配置资源,提供公益服务,可以在市场上取得一些收入,在备案编制内设岗,赋予单位灵活的人事管理权。材料三:事业单位绩效工资改革就是要在事业单位建立一种把薪酬分配与公益性服务绩效紧密联系的新的激励约束机制,规范分配秩序,理顺分配关系,不能简单地理解为是涨工资。至于说为了缓解财政压力而甩包袱,这种说法是没根据的,事实也不是这样,因为实行绩效工资,财政是要出钱的,考核是绩效管理的核心,事业单位全面实行绩效工资改革,应制定“实施细则”。材料四:专家指出,通过事业单位的养老保障改革让单位交20%,个人交不低于8%,以使事业单位和企业单位养老金持平,从而解决事业单位和企业的不公平是行不通的。事业单位养老改革应照顾到社会整体的公平性,要把国家公务员的养老保障和事业单位的养老保障和企业职工养老保险这三者整体来考虑和谋划,要找到大体相对能够平衡的点。材料五:事业单位岗位分为管理、专业技术、工勤技能等三类。每一类岗位又分为若干等级,实行最高级别控制和结构比例调控,形成动态管理机制。对于每个岗位的任职资格、任职能力,都应有具体的量化要求,能够让人才“对号入座”;同时,每个岗位上的薪酬待遇也应确定,按岗考核、以岗定酬、按岗培训,实现岗位管理。通过公开招聘,扩大选人用人视野,严把人员进口关,通过竞聘上岗,促进优秀人才脱颖而出,实现能上能下,能进能出,实现事业单位改革的又一目标。并将建立健全以聘用合同和岗位职责为依据、以工作绩效为重点内容、以服务对象满意度为基础的考核办法,将考核结果作为调整人员岗位、工资以及解除、续订聘用合同的基本依据,充分发挥奖惩制度在人事管理中的激励和约束作用。问题:简明概括给定材料涉及的有关事业单位改革的主要问题(150字以内)。
