
构造方法是类中的一种特殊方法,用它来定义对象的【 】。



构造方法是类中的一种特殊方法,用它来定义对象的【 】。


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参考答案:(1)生长激素:促进蛋白质合成和生长发育。 (2)生乳素:促进并维持乳腺泌乳。 (3)黑色细胞刺激素:促使皮肤黑色素细胞合成黑色素,使皮肤颜色加深。 (4)促甲状腺激素:促进甲状腺细胞增殖并合成分泌甲状...


Ideally speaking, criticism(批评) is the act of making comments on someone or something with the purpose of improving products or service. However in daily life, you will meet some people criticizing with the negative purposes,

What should you do when you are being criticized? Actually, you should take it positively. It is possible that the person who criticizes you has rightly drawn your attention to something which needs improving. If this is the case, be thankful to the person because he is helping you to know where to improve.

However, there is also a chance that the criticism is being done just to make you sad. So if necessary, ask one of your friends or workmates what he thinks of this criticism. If the criticism is really meant to hurt you, pay no attention to it and don’t allow it to disturb your peace of mind.

When you are criticizing someone or something, always remember that negative criticism causes negative energy, so try to criticize in a positive manner. Do not become the “full stop” for someone’s creativity

Whenever you are about to criticize, ask yourself whether your purpose is to help the person or if you are just going to spread negativity which will damage someone’s creative skills.

If you really want to criticize someone, do it in an encouraging way. Try to give your comments in this way so that he can put your suggestions into corrective(改正的) actions. What’s more, you should remember the fact that complaining is taking criticism to the next level which is even more damaging and dangerous. So try to remain inside the limits of criticism instead of complaining.

Title: On criticism

I. 小题1: _____________

Generally, criticism means 小题2: ________ on somebody or something to improve products or service. However, not all people criticize with positive purposes.

II. How to 小题3: _________criticism against you

● Thank someone who criticizes you positively because he helps you know 小题4:_________

● Ask for 小题5:________ from friends or workmates to know the purpose of criticism

●小题6:________ negative criticism and protect your peace of mind

III. What to do when you want to criticize

● Try to criticize positively in order not to damage 小题7:_________

● Ensure that your criticism is 小题8: __________ to the person

● Criticize someone in an encouraging way to get him to act 小题9:_________accordint to your suggestions

● Just criticize and don’t 小题10: __________




(2)闭合开关后,调节滑动变阻器的滑片,使小灯泡正常发光时,电流表的示数如图乙所示,电流为              A,那么小灯泡的额定功率是             W;


① __________ _______________       

② ______________________________。







