
It was two years ago today that the huntin



It was two years ago today that the hunting ban came into force, supposedly ending centuries of tradition. However, the law has been an unmitigated failure—not that either side is shouting about it.
It was a nightmare vision that struck fear and loathing into the hearts of millions. When the hunting ban became law, it was said, 16,000 people would lose their jobs, thousands of hounds would be put down, rotting carcasses would litter the countryside, hedgerows would disappear, riders would face on-the-spot fines, law-abiding people from doctors to barristers would be dragged from their horses and carted off to prison, while dog owners would be prosecuted if their mutt caught a rabbit.
These were just some of the claims as desperate countryside campaigners battled to save their sport in the lead—up to the hunting ban, which Labour rammed into law using the Parliament Act on November 18, 2004.
For many, the fears were real. Others exaggerated as they fought an increasingly aggressive anti-hunting lobby which had rejected acres of independent evidence affirming that hunting is the most humane way of killing foxes. In the battle to "fight prejudice, fight the ban", every emotive argument was deployed.
For its part, the anti-hunting brigade extravagantly claimed that the ban would put an end to the rich parading in red jackets. A senior Labour MP, Peter Bradley, admitted in this newspaper that it was, as many suspected, about "class war". He lost his seat shortly afterwards. But people in red coats did not disappear.
In fact, none of the forecasts came true. What did happen was something nobody had predicted: the spectacular revival and growth of hunting with hounds. In short, the hunting ban has been a failure.
Today, on the second anniversary of the ban’s coming into force on February 18, 2005, new figures show that participation in the sport has never been higher. It is so cheerful that two new packs have been formed, something that has not happened for centuries.
They include the seductively named Private Pack, set up by the financier Roddy Fleming in Gloucestershire. It operates on an invitation—only basis, a sort of hunting private members’ club. This can only mean one thing: like it or not, hunting is cool. Young people are taking it up, enticed by the element of rebellion and the mystique of what actually happens as hunts attempt to keep within the law.

The word "loathing" underlined in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.






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参考答案:A, C, D




材料一 唐兴,初未暇于四夷,自太宗平突厥,西北诸蕃及蛮夷稍稍内属,即其部落列置州县。其大者为都督府,以其首领为都督、刺史,皆得世袭。虽贡赋版籍,多不上户部,然声教所暨,皆边州都督、都护所领,著于令式。……大凡府州八百五十六,号为羁縻云。——欧阳修《新唐书》卷四三

材料二 民族的区域自治是中华人民共和国领土之内的,在中央人民政府统一领导下的,遵循着中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领总道路前进的、以少数民族聚居区为基础的区域自治。依据这个总原则和大前提,一切聚居的少数民族,都有权利实行民族的区域自治,建立自治区和自治机关,按照本民族大多数人民及与人民有联系的领袖人物的志愿,管理本民族的内部事务。这就是少数民族当家做主的权利。——乌兰夫《关于中华人民共和国民族区域自治实施纲要的报告》

材料三 1990年4月,七届全国人大三次会议正式通过了香港基本法。……《基本法》共160条,是一国两制构想的具体体现,其原则精神是:主权原则;一国两制原则;保持香港稳定的原则;实行港人治港、高度自治的原则。——汤应武《1976年以来的中国》

材料四 民族学界有一种观点认为,民族之间的差别可以分为结构性差别和文化性差别两类。结构性差别就是指社会经济方面的差别……世界上许多民族之间爆发的冲突都是由结构性差别扩大成群体性冲突的。……但由于历史上的原因和自然条件的差别,(注:西部民族地区和东部发达地区)在许多方面还存在着一定的差距。民族分裂分子常常恶意地夸大这种差距,并且歪曲差距产生的原因,使之成为引起社会不安定的因素之一。……切实增进各民族间的了解和交往,在各族群众中树立正确的民族观念、宗教观念、国家观念和公民观念。从而夯实民族团结和谐、国家长治久安的思想基础。——《“7·5”事件改变不了新疆民族团结的大局》2009.07










