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近几年,通信技术网络的超高速化已成为世界上的发展潮流。空间技术与计算机融合成跨越时间与空间的信息基础结构,它将逐渐深入千家万户,从根本上改变人们的生产、生活和相互交往的方式,加速人类文明和文化的传播,增进相互理解和全球意识。 空间信息高速公路,这一名词是借鉴信息高速公路概念,也是信息高速公路的拓宽与延伸。所谓空间信息高速公路,我们可以形象地将它理解为以卫星、光纤再辅之以其他通信手段作为“公路”,而以集电脑、电话、传真等为—体的多媒体作为“汽车”,使信息高速传递并能共享的通信网络。这种网络遍布全国乃至全球。在我国则将它称之为国家经济信息化基础设施,其内涵包括四项要素:网络与通信、计算机与信息化设备、信息资源与服务、人与信息化环境。 卫星通信和数字网络光缆就像高速公路一样,是促进社会经济发展的基础设施。它不仅是地面光缆数字通信网络系统,而且还包括通信卫星、卫星定位系统和环境、灾害监测技术系统。此外,还有不断更新的社会、经济统计数据库和自然资源数据系列,以及宏观调控、规划决策和工程设计服务及知识库、逻辑推理机等人工专家系统,这样,才能有效地实现以信息交流代替人流、物流与能量流。 加速发展空间技术,多方面、高效率地利用空间技术,特别是充分利用空间信息资源,促进社会生产力的发展,已成为当今世界的共识。通信卫星具有通信容量______、可靠性______、传输距离______、不受地理环境影响等许多优点,所以备受各国的重视和欢迎。在空间信息高速公路中,卫星无线电信频率宽,极容易实现双向高速率的数据和可视电信业务,并适用于单相多路的电视节目以及新闻报道,对大多数用户都有实用价值。对发展中国家来说,空间信息高速公路的建设,可弥补通信基础设施差与区域性通信空缺之不足。例如,地面信息高速公路的成本昂贵,需要10~15年甚至更长时间才能建成,是一个无法在短期内普及服务的巨额投资项目,而卫星接收设备费用大约只需200美元,其技术是现成的,是一个在短期内便能普及并能满足绝大多数用户需求的业务项目。







(46) For centuries the smoking of tobacco in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes has produced controversy over possible health hazards, but only since the 1950’s has sufficient scientific evidence accumulated to make possible a thorough evaluation of the health risk.

Scientific investigation of the relationship of smoking and health gained impetus after the beginning of the 20th century, then an increase in lung cancer was noted. As the use of tobacco increased, studies improved. (47) Although some gaps in knowledge still exist, the information now available is sufficient to permit making sound judgments, based on the converging lines of evidence.

(48) Investigators have directed their principal consideration to cigarette smoking because the health consequences attributed to it far exceed those due to smoking cigars and pipes. The widespread popularity of cigarettes is comparatively recent in man’s use of tobacco. The smoking pattern began to change at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, cigarettes have steadily become more popular than cigars and pipes. (49) In the United States. per capita cigarette consumption — calculated for all persons 15 years of age and older, regardless of whether they smoked—rose from 49 per year in 1900 to 3,888 in 1960. Per capita consumption of cigars, pipe tobacco, and chewing tobacco declined sharply in the same period. Data presented in 1966 indicated a sharp reduction in cigarette smoking in the United States for men under the age of 55 with the trend continuing to 1970.

Further increase in cigarette consumption for women of all ages was reported in 1966 and no further increase was noted 1966 and 1970. However, in 1970 overall per capita cigarette consumption rose.

By 1962 the Royal College of Physicians of London reported:" Cigarette smoking is a cause of lung cancer and bronchitis, and various other less common diseases. It delays healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers." Some scientists, however, expressed dissenting opinions.

The most widely publicized report in the United States was issued in 1964 by the Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health. (50) The principal judgment in the committee’s 150,000-word report was: "Cigarette smoking is a health hazard of sufficient importance in the United States to warrant appropriate remedial action." The smokers of pipes and cigars were found to incur less health risk. However, the incidence of cancer and heart disease among them was found to be greater than among nonsmokers.

(47) Although some gaps in knowledge still exist, the information now available is sufficient to permit making sound judgments, based on the converging lines of evidence.
