
(由单选和多选组成。) 某制药企业为增值税一般纳税人,资产总额 3000万元。职工人




某制药企业为增值税一般纳税人,资产总额 3000万元。职工人数1200人(其中残疾人员20人)。2008年度相关生产经营业务如下:
(1) 企业座落在某县城,全年实际占地50000平方米,其中,厂房占地40000平方米,办公楼占地4500平方米,医务室占地900平方米,幼儿园占地1600平方米,厂区内道路及绿化占地 3000平方米。
(2) 企业拥有货车14辆(每辆自重吨位30吨),客货两用车5辆(每辆自重吨位2吨、乘4人),大型客车5辆(每辆乘50人),5座小轿车8辆。
(3) 当年销售药品共计12000万元(不含税价格);购进已税原料,取得增值税专用发票,注明进项税额1051万元。
(4) 全年应扣除的销售产品成本7300万元,发生销售费用3200万元,发生财务费用300万元,发生管理费用900万元(未包括应计入管理费用中的税金)。
(5) 全年计入成本、费用中的实发工资总额为 2313.6万元(其中残疾人工资19.28万元)。
(6) 12月份,企业接受其关联企业赠与的机器设备一台并于当月投入使用,普通发票所列金额为550万元,企业自己负担的运输费、保险费和安装调试费50万元。
(7) 所发生的财务费用中包括支付银行贷款的利息180万元和向其他企业支付借款1500万元的年利息120万元(同期银行贷款年利率为6%),两笔利息均为流动资金借款利息。
(8) 所发生的销售费用中含有实际支出的广告费 3070万元、业务宣传费95万元。
(9) 所发生的管理费用中包含业务招待费124万元。

该企业2008年所得税前准予扣除的销售费用为 ( )万元。






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For well over a thousand years, smallpox was a disease that everyone feared. The disease killed much of the native population in South America when the Spanish arrived there in the early sixteenth century. By the end of the eighteenth century, smallpox was responsible for about one in ten deaths around the world. Those who survived the disease were left with ugly scars on their skin.

It had long been well known among farmers that people who worked with cows seldom caught smallpox; instead, they often caught a similar but much milder disease called cowpox (牛痘) . A British doctor called Jenner was extremely interested in this, and so he studied cowpox. He believed that, by vaccinating (给接种疫苗) people with the disease, he could protect them against the much worse disease smallpox. In 1796, he vaccinated a boy with cowpox and, two months later, with smallpox. The boy did not get smallpox. In the next two years, Jenner vaccinated several children in the same way, and none of them got the disease.

News of the success of Jenner’s work soon spread. Vaccination soon became a common method to protect people against other diseases caused by virus, such as rabies (狂犬病), and vaccines were sent across the world to the United States and India.

It took nearly two centuries to achieve Jenner’s dream of getting free of smallpox from the whole world. In 1967, the world Health Organization (WHO) started a great vaccination program, and the last known case of smallpox was recorded in Somalia in 1977. The story of vaccinations does not end there, however. There are many other diseases that kill more and more people every year. Besides, many new diseases are being discovered. The challenge for medical researchers will, therefore, probably continue for several more centuries

小题1:Smallpox was so serious that _________________ by the end of l8th century

A.its death rate was up to ten percent

B.those who caught it were certain to die

C.one in ten people in the world died of smallpox

D.one in ten deaths in the world was caused by smallpox小题2:Edward Jenner discovered that vaccination with cowpox could ____________.

A.make smallpox much milder

B.stop people from getting smallpox

C.protect people against any disease

D.prevent people’s scars after smallpox小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.The first experiment with cowpox was made by a British doctor.

B.After 1977 smallpox disappeared around the world according to WHO.

C.Vaccination had existed among ordinary farmers before being discovered.

D.Vaccination can be used to protect people in the world against not only smallpox.小题4:The author of the passage thinks that _________________.

A.vaccinations bring many new problems

B.vaccinations end the spread of diseases

C.there is a long way to go to fight against diseases

D.there is a long way to go to discover new diseases
