
In England a woman fell down a stair. Pa



In England a woman fell down a stair. Panic followed—178 persons lost their lives. In Michigan a woman fell ill. There was a call for water. Someone thought it meant fire---71 were killed. In Oklahoma an old man’s hair caught fire---36 died.

What should you do to be out of danger?

1. As you sit in any crowd, pick out an exit(出口) which is not the one where most persons enter and plan to use if necessary.

2. If a rush stairs, do not get into it . Stay still. Let it pass. Then go to the exit you have chosen.

3. Do not cry out. Speak quietly. Act calmly.

4.Do not stop for your hat and coat unless they are at hand.

5. If there is smoke, crouch. The best air is about three feet above the floor.

6. When you are outside the building, stay out. Many dead would be alive if they had not returned for something.

7. When you get out, move far from the door so that others can get out.

小题1:The first paragraph tells us that over two hundred people lost their lives because of_________.

A.a fire

B.a call for water

C. falling downstairs

D.panic小题2:If you are in a crowd when panic stars, you should ________.

A.run with the others.

B.call for help as loudly as you can.

C.hurry at once to an exit.

D.stay still until the crowd has passed.小题3:What should you do once out of a place where there is panic?

A.stay outside.

B.go back for your wallet.

C.return to ask people not to run.

D.stand near the exit.小题4:When you are safe outside a burning building , stay away from the door so that _______.

A.the smoke can get out.

B.you will not get burned

C.others may leave.

D.others may enter.


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题型:不定项选择 案例分析题

案例六: 一般资料:求助者,女性,19岁,大学生。 下面是心理咨询师与求助者之间的一段咨询对话。 心理咨询师:你好!请问我能为你提供什么帮助吗? 求助者:我最近总感到紧张,睡不好觉。 心理咨询师:你能谈谈是什么事情让你感到紧张,并出现睡眠方面的问题吗? 求助者:我上大学后各方面都比较顺利。三个月前,学校准备挑选一批优秀的学生去国外做交换生。我特别想争取到这个机会,因此非常努力地为选拔考试做准备。第一轮选拔虽然入选,但成绩很不理想,因此我更加努力地准备下一轮考试。现在我每天都很紧张,几乎每晚都要到凌晨2点多才能入睡。而且越是睡眠不好,就越担心影响我的复习,就更加紧张、烦躁。心情越来越差,还经常头痛。这些情况让我的学习效率大大下降,根本没办法正常备考。如果一直这样下去,我真的很难通过后续的考试。您一定要帮帮我啊! 心理咨询师:我非常能理解你的心情。你特别渴望能获得这次机会,但第一次选拔成绩不太理想,所以你更加努力地准备后续的考试,同时又担心自己还会考得不理想,对吗? 求助者:是的。 心理咨询师:因此你经常感到紧张、烦躁,还出现了入睡困难、头痛等症状,明显影响到学习效率。那你能谈谈你是在什么时候,第一次因为学习方面的事情而出现紧张情绪和睡眠问题的吗? 求助者:是在高考前最后一次模拟考试结束之后。当时,我发现平时和我要好的同学都比我考得好,我心里特别接受不了,就暗自下决心一定要在高孝时超过他们。备战高考的那段时间,我紧张并第一次出现睡眠问题。不过,那段时间不是特别紧张,并且睡眠问题也只是偶尔出现。高考后,我的成绩比那些同学都要高,我很高兴,这些问题也就自然消失了。 心理咨询师:你的意思是,你必须比与你要好的同学考得好,对吗? 求助者:对啊! 心理咨询师:什么原因使你认为你必须要比所有与你要好的同学考得好呢? 求助者:……(沉默),不知道,但我就是认为我必须比他们所有的人都要表现得好。就像这次考试,我也认为我必须通过才可以。 心理咨询师:除了考试之外,还有其他事情让你紧张吗? 求助者:有的,前几天我们体育课要进行百米达标测试,我紧张得中午都没睡着,就怕自己不及格。 心理咨询师:是什么原因让你为体育考试是否及格而如此担心呢? 求助者:没什么原因啊!我就是觉得我不能有任何科目不及格。要是连百米达标这点小事都做不好,那自己真是一无是处了。





