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材料一 1945年8月20日蒋介石再次邀请毛 * * 到重庆谈判的电报:“大战方告结束,内争不容再有……如何以建国之功收抗战之果,甚有 赖于先生之惠然一行,共定大计……。”

材料二 1945年10月13日蒋介石给陆军总司令何应钦密电:“抗战胜利,日寇投降,……乃 * * 匪竟……企图破坏统一以遂其割据之阴谋,若不速予剿除,不仅八年抗战前功尽失,且必遗害无穷……此次剿共为人民幸福之所系,务本以往抗战之精神,遵照中正(注:蒋介石)所订剿非手本,督励所属,努力进剿,迅速完成任务……。”

材料三 1945年11月6日蒋介石对高级将领的演讲:“回想这20年来, * * 匪始终是本党惟一的敌人。”

材料四 (美国总统)杜鲁门回忆录:“事实上,蒋介石甚至连再占领华南都有极大困难……如果他不同 * * 党人及俄国人达成协议,他就休想进入东北。由于 * * 党人占领了铁路中间的地方,蒋介石要想占领东北和中南就不可能……假如我们让日本人立即放下他们的武器……那么整个中国就会被 * * 党人拿过去……因此,我们便命令日本人守着他们的岗位和维护秩序,等到蒋介石的军队一到,日本军队便向他们投降……这种利用日本军队阻止 * * 党人的办法是国防部和国务院的联合决定而经我批准的。”


(1)蒋介石电邀毛 * * 到重庆谈判的理由是什么?国共双方经过9-10月的谈判,有什么结果?

(2)蒋介石对中 * * 党的真实态度是什么?在上述材料中有何依据?在当时的实际行动中有何表现?




Allen : I’ve never been a big fan of the bears , especially the vacation show . On my last trip to Disneyland (1999) we passed it by , because we didn’t want to spend the time on something we didn’t really enjoy. If we’d known it would be closed by our next visit , I’m sure we would have watched it one more time . I was just making the point that it wasn’t until Disney announced the closing that this feeling suddenly sprang (弹跳) up for the Country Bear show at Disneyland .

But I think the idea of keeping some attractions (胜迹) open forever regardless of (不顾及) the number of visitors it gets is a mistake . We all have great memories of the Bears , but clearly very few kids today (or I should say families today ) are making those same memories from this show . That may be a sad fact , but it’s a fact . For whatever reason , the show doesn’t pull in the numbers . Isn’t it right to use the Country Bear space to bring in a more popular attraction so that more kids today can make those magic memories of an attraction THEY like ? Otherwise aren’t we just telling kids today that they “have to” make great memories of the Bears , when it’s obvious that the kids themselves are not enjoying the Bears like we did ?

Roger : I am very disappointed that they have decided to retire the Country Bear Playhouse . I remember going to the show as a child , and still enjoyed it as a teenager ,

and now young adult . It is true that there aren’t a lot of shows left at DL and with this one closing even less . Being at DL does require a lot of walking , and it is nice to have a few attractions that are a place to sit and enjoy a good show . I understand that DL has to develop , but there has to be some history to the Disneyland that Walt Disney first designed . There should be some parts of DL that just never go away , and this is one of them . By the time I have children it looks like there won’t be any attractions that I can say I went to as a child at the rate they are going .

Now the Bears are leaving . What I want to say is: stop trying to compete with everyone ! DL is the best , because of attractions like the Country Bears . If DL insists on destroying all of its magic to make way for the latest , well , then it might as well be just another theme (主题) park .

小题1:What news might get people talking about the problem of the Country Bears ?

A.The Country Bear Playhouse will be closed .

B.There will be a new attraction for our guests at Disneyland

C.The number of visitors to the Country Bear Playhouse is falling .

D.The Bears will retire because of old age and can’t give shows any more .小题2:Allen spoke mainly to get his point across that           .

A.the Bears will be missed

B.we should tell kids today that they “have to” make great memories of the Bears

C.the longtime attraction ought to make way for a future attraction

D.people never care about what they have until all is lost小题3:Which is the best choice to complete Roger’s idea : “The Country Bears have been a part of Disneyland for nearly 30 years ,         .”

A.and I feel it is time to give our bears a good rest

B.but anyway , the attraction has lost interest

C.but I know that Disneyland will always be changing , and I accept that

D.and I am sad that the Bears will be leaving小题4:Which of the following is not in the same group as the other three ?

A.an attraction

B.a theme park

C.the Bears

D.the latest magic小题5:Where can this passage be found ?

A.In a Web discussion zone (区).

B.In a suggestion book .

C.In a report on the popularity of the Country Bears .

D.In high school students’ compositions
