
Secondhand smoke isn’t just a health thr



Secondhand smoke isn’t just a health threat to people.It can also hurt dogs and cats,veterinarians say.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,more than 126 million Americans who don't smoke are exposed to secondhand smoke in their homes,vehicles,workplaces,and public places.This exposure causes thousands of lung cancer and heart disease deaths among nonsmokers every year,according to the California Environmental Protection Agency.

“Making the leap from the effects of secondhand smoke on humans to their effects on pets isn't a big one,” says veterinarian (兽医专家) Carolynn MacAllister of Oklahoma State University.

“There have been a number of scientific papers recently that have reported the significant health threat secondhand smoke poses to pets,” MacAllister said.“Secondhand smoke has been associated with oral cancer and lymphoma in cats,lung and nasal cancer in dogs,as well as lung cancer in birds.”

Studies have also shown that dogs living in a smoking household are susceptible to cancers of the nose and sinus area,particularly if they are a long-nosed breed,because their noses have a greater surface area that is exposed to carcinogens and a greater area for them to accumulate.Dogs affected with nasal cancer normally don't survive for more than one year.

“Short and medium-nosed dogs are more susceptible to lung cancer,because their shorter nasal passage aren't as effective at accumulating the inhaled secondhand smoke carcinogens,” MacAllister said.“This results in more carcinogens (致癌物质) reaching the lungs.”

Birds are also at risk for lung cancer,as well as pneumonia,because their respiratory systems are hypersensitive to any type of air pollutant.

To help prevent animals from being adversely affected by smoking,pet owners who smoke should have a designated smoking area that is separated from the home or stop smoking altogether,MacAllister said.        

小题1:From the passage,we can see secondhand smoke maybe not harmful to _______.




D.trees小题2:What can be suggested according to the passage?

A.Smokers can smoke anywhere.

B.Smokers can smoke at any time.

C.Smokers should smoke in the designated place.

D.Smokers must give up smoking at once.小题3:What kind of dogs are likely to suffer from nasal cancer?

A.Long-nosed dogs

B.Short-nosed dogs

C.Medium-nosed dogs

D.Dogs without noses小题4:The best title of the passage is __________.

A.Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in People

B.Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in Birds

C.Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in Pets

D.Secondhand Smoke Causes Cancer in Cats小题5:What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “are susceptible to”?

A.are likely to be harmed by

B.are hard to be influenced by

C.are less to be effected by

D.are lucky to be caught by


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(7) 2011年9月5日,丙公司可供出售金融资产公允价值上升使资本公积增加100万元。
(8) 2012年4月30日丙公司完成了2011年度企业所得税汇算清缴工作。
(9) 丙公司2011年1~3月实现净利润500万元,4~12月实现净利润1100万元。2012年3月5日丙公司董事会作出如下决议:按2011年度实现净利润的10%提取盈余公积,向投资者分配现金股利,每10股派2元。丙公司2011年的年报于2012年3月15批准对外报出。
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甲公司2011年12月31日对丙公司长期股权投资的账面余额为( )万元。




