
用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He'll write to me as so




1. He'll write to me as soon as he _____ (reach) Xian.

2. — _____ you _____ (see)the film?

    —Yes, I _____ (see) it two weeks ago.

3. Tom! _____ (not do) it like that next time.

4. They _____ (make) a lot of friends since they came to our city.

5. Young trees_____ (water) well every day.

6. The teacher _____ (talk) to my father when I got home.

7. Thirty bikes_____ (mend) by Uncle Wang last week.

8. Where's Kate? She _____ (go) to the library.

9. We can use computers _____ (send) messages.

10. Look at the dark clouds . It _____ (rain) soon.

11. When Kate came in, I _____ ( write) a letter.

12. We'll go to visit the Great Wall, if it _____ (not rain) tomorrow.

13. Listen! Who _____ (sing) an English song in the room?

14. Li Ping _____ ( do) his homework at six yesterday evening.

15. _____ you _____ (have) your lunch?

16. The Greens _____ (live) in the city since 1945.

17. I want to buy some presents for all my family, but I _____ (not choose) any yet.

18. Tom _____ (watch) TV while his father was reading.

19. China _____ (change) a lot since 1978.

20. The machine _____ (make) in China in 2002.


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下面有关作家作品的说法不正确的一项是( )

A 王勃,字子安,初唐文学家。少有才名,被举为神童,不到二十岁就出仕。《滕王阁序》是上元二年(675年)重九日,王勃在滕王阁的一次宴会上即席写作的。两个月后,他渡海溺水,不幸英年早逝。

B 诗风旷达,酷似杜甫,与晚唐的另一诗人李商隐齐名,被人称“小李杜”之一的杜牧,字牧之,号樊川,京兆万年人,晚唐著名诗人。杜牧的代表诗作有《清明》《赤壁》等,他的赋和古文也很有名。

C 王维,字摩诘,唐代开元九年(721年)进士,官至尚书右丞,世称王右丞。王维擅长写山水田园诗,散文也很有特色。《山中与裴秀才迪书》这篇散文是写给友人裴迪的一封信,充满了诗情画意。

D “我劝天公重抖擞,不拘一格降人才”是龚自珍《己亥杂诗》中的名句。龚自珍,浙江仁和人,清代著名的思想家、文学家。他的散文《病梅馆记》同样抒发了对清朝统治者压抑、摧残人才的不满。
