

题型:单项选择题 A2型题









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参考答案:B, C







①甲同学取待测液于试管中,滴加无色酚酞试液,溶液呈红色,由此得出结论:该溶液不可能是         溶液,理由是                                 

②乙同学另取待测液于试管中,滴加稀盐酸,有            的现象,由此得出结论:该溶液是Na2CO3溶液。

③丙同学认为乙同学的结论不严密,因为NaOH溶液露置在空气中,会与         反应生成Na2CO3,反应的化学方程式为                                       ,所以这瓶溶液还可能是部分变质的NaOH溶液。


设计步骤Ⅰ的目的是:完全除去溶液中的      ,避免其对     的检验造成干扰。




②NaOH溶液与盐酸发生中和反应,是        (选填“吸热”或“放热”)反应。

③除去NaOH溶液中混有的少量Na2CO3溶液,可加入适量的      溶液(填序号)。

A.CaCl2      B.HCl      C.Ca(OH)2


Dear Edward,

I have been very busy recently with some really exciting new developments.If you visit my main website you will see various new items there.

The first is a tab called Food for Thought.This is a short daily email which raises a question or makes a statement or provides something for you to think about.Some regular readers may find these emails quite basic.However, you would agree with me that there are many people who reject anything spiritual simply because it means venturing(冒险进入) into the unknown.

There is also a tab called Please Help Me.I will be hosting tele-discussions soon-yes, and I am really excited about that!

Here I ask you to propose topics for tele-discussions.If you are concerned about missing out, don’t worry.The proceeds will be recorded and made available as MP3 recordings.Please let me know what burning issues you have or what you are curious about. 

I am providing a free mystery gift to the value of £9.95 for each successful suggestion. And please don’t think your issue is meaningless-there may be a number of other people who may have the same issue.

You may not be aware that I have also published a number of guided meditations(思考) on-line.Please have a look at this website for a free guided meditation as well as an explanation of what meditation is about.

And watch this space for more exciting things to come in the next month.I am now in a space where my hobby has become my work-how lucky can a girl be!

I also want to thank you for your support and interest over the past years-you have helped me immensely on my own journey.

Love and Light,


64.What does the item “Food for Thought” mainly focus on?

A.How to eat reasonably.                            B.Ideas for people to think about.

C.Where to have enough food.                   D.Ways to enjoy adventurous journeys.

65.How can one get a free mysterious gift from Elsabe?

A.By offering acceptable advice.                          B.By sending as much email as possible.

C.By sending him £9.95.                                         D.By telling him what you are interested in.

66.What does Elsabe ask Edward to do?

A.Offer topics for the tele-discussion.

B.Record the content of the website.

C.Concern and participate about the issues on the website.

D.Help him find more people to help him.

67.What can we infer from the whole passage?

A.Edward doesn’t know Elsabe at all.                 B.Many people join in Elsabe’s program.

C.People are afraid to surf Elsabe’s website.    D.Everything on Elsabe’s website is free.
