
How many times do you have to fail at so



How many times do you have to fail at something in order to succeed? Did you know that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times while trying to invent the light bulb? He certainly had a “learn and do” attitude! He was able to turn each failed experiment into a successful way to invent the light bulb. So what can we learn from this? You can adopt the “fail forward” strategy too.

In reality, none of us are failures. It’s true that we will experience times of defeat, problems, and disasters, but remember, each one of us is meant to succeed in life. However, we must choose our fate. Henry David Thoreau said, “Men are born to succeed, not to fail.”

We can never be forced into having a happy and successful life. Whether or not you experience success or failure is completely controlled by what you think and do. You are the only one who can choose the thoughts that will keep you from achieving the abundant life and joy that you are meant to have. No matter how difficult things may seem, say to yourself, “I choose to be a happy and successful person.”

Why do some people get what they want and others fail? I believe that getting what you desire in life takes planning, and it doesn’t just happen by luck. So how do we plan for success?

It has been proven that successful people do things more differently than unsuccessful people. They recognize the patterns of success and follow them; one of those patterns is planning. They plan what they think and do, which sets them apart. They know exactly what they desire, have an intelligent plan for getting it, and then work their plan. They know what success will cost them in terms of time, energy, and results, and they devote the right resources toward making their plans happen.

小题1:The writer refers to Thomas Edison to ________.

A.introduce his invention

B.put forward the topic of the text

C.praise the inventor

D.show the way to success小题2:What Henry David Thoreau said implies that ________.

A.everyone is able to be a success

B.most people lack the confidence to succeed

C.everyone can do nothing but succeed in his life

D.no one can succeed without difficulty and suffering小题3:The main idea of the last two paragraphs is that ________.

A.planning plays an important role in success

B.successful people differ from unsuccessful ones

C.successful people have many patterns of success

D.devoting the right resources can help reach one’s goal小题4:Which of the following would match the text?

A.All roads lead to Rome.

B.Think twice before you act.

C.No pains, no gains.

D.Failure is the mother of success.


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2011年2月18日12时50分,某省某市地铁某线某站工段施工工地(露天开挖作业)发生地面塌陷事故,造成长约100m、宽约50m的正在施工区域塌陷,施工现场西侧路基下陷达6 m左右,将施工挡土墙全部推垮,自来水管、排污管断裂,大量污水涌出,同时东侧河水及淤泥向施工塌陷地点溃泻,导致施工塌区域逐渐被泥水淹没。事故造成在此处行驶的11辆汽车下沉陷落(车上人员2人轻伤,其余人员安全脱险),施工人员17人死亡、4人失踪。经抢险人员全力搜救,未发现生还人员。据初步调查,某省某市地铁某线某站工段建设单位为某地铁集团有限公司,设计单位为某设计研究总院,施工单位为某股份有限公司某局,监理单位为某工程项目监理咨询有限公司。


《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》第三十六条规定,事故发生单位及其有关人员有( )行为之一的,对事故发生单位处100万元以上500万元以下的罚款;对主要负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员处上一年年收入60%至100%的罚款;属于国家工作人员的,并依法给予处分;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法给予治安管理处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。





