
Three years ago I listened to a lecture



Three years ago I listened to a lecture on cognition that changed the way I think about intelligence. There are two types of cognition, and the first is normal cognition the ability to regain knowledge from memory. The second type of cognition is metacognition(元认知) the ability to know whether or not you know.

Does this affect intelligence? In traditional education, intelligence is measured by cognitive ability. Some people can easily produce everything they know on a test. But others are awarded with poor grades and considered inferior (not as good as). But does this inability make them any less intelligent? If the question came up on a task, they could refer to a book or a quick Google search. In reality they’re just as effective as the people that ace a test. They just can’t prove it as easily.

Metacognition is more important to success than cognition. A person with poor cognitive ability, but great metacognitive ability might do poorly in school, but when faced with a challenge, they understand their abilities and take the best course of action. For example, when faced with a question, a person with strong metacognitive ability will deal with it like this. If he knows the answer, but can’t come up with it, he can always do a bit of research. If he knows for sure that he doesn’t know, then he can start educating himself. Because he’s aware of his ignorance, he doesn’t act with foolish confidence. These people might not seem intelligent at first glance, but because they know what they know, they make better decisions and learn the most important things.

However, people with great cognitive ability but poor metacognitive ability may be considered excellent at a young age for acing every test and getting great SAT scores. Unfortunately, they’ve been ruined by poor metacognition they think they know everything but they really don’t. They are arrogant (overconfident), fail to learn from mistakes, and don’t understand the slight differences of personal relationships, showing disregard for persons with lower cognitive ability. They may make the worst decisions.

The most important mental power is the ability to know what you don’t know .The recognition of a fault is the first step to improvement. Don’t try to hide a lack of knowledge. For intelligent people this is the toughest lesson to learn.

小题1:People with great cognitive ability tend to ______________.       

A.do well in tests

B.be considered inferior

C.be more effective than others

D.do research when faced with a task小题2:The underlined phrase “take the best course of action,” probably means______.

A.starting educating himself

B.taking action during the course

C.making the right decision

D.coming up with many ideas小题3:People with poor metacognition may not succeed because they ________.

A.lack basic moral values

B.have improper self evaluation

C.fail to communicate with others

D.show little respect for others小题4:The author probably supports the idea that ___________.

A.intelligence is measured by cognitive ability

B.cognition is the most important mental power

C.the toughest lesson is to distinguish the two types of cognition

D.the awareness of one’s ignorance contributes to one’s improvement


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  我注意到,这里植物界的所有产物与土壤只有很肤浅的联系。它们没有根系,只要是固体,不管是沙、贝壳、介壳或卵石,都可以支撑它们。它们不需要它们提供营养,只求有个支撑点。这些植物自生自灭,其生命的源泉就是那支撑和滋养它们的海水。它们大都不长叶子,而是奇形怪状的叶带,色彩也不丰富,只有玫瑰红、胭脂红、青绿、暗绿、浅黄、灰褐等颜色。我在这里看到的不是鹦鹉螺号潜艇上风干的标本,而是犹如开屏争艳的孔雀彩贝、朱红色的 瓷贝、伸展着可食用的嫩芽的片形贝、纤细柔软高达15米的巨大海藻、一束束茎长在顶端的海草、以及其他许多无花的深海植物。一位风趣的博物学家曾经说过:“有趣的反常,奇怪的环境,动物在那里开花 ,而植物则无花可开。”



⑴一位风趣的博物学家曾经说过:“有趣的反常,奇怪的环境,动物在那里开花,而植物则无花可开。”( )

⑵在它们“潮湿”的阴影底下,长满了鲜花盛开的荆棘丛。( )

⑶像蜂鸟一样成群结队地穿梭于“树枝”之间的蝇鱼也赶来点缀这个梦幻般的仙镜。( )






