



2001年12月,赵海托吴民购买化肥,给吴民化肥款5000元。吴民买完化肥后,剩余 200元,于是就用其中的50元购买了有奖邮政明信片。回村后,吴民将买明信片一事告诉赵海,赵海一开始不同意,后来一想快到元旦了,孩子们会用得上,于是就收下了。赵海的女儿将其中一张送给同学李杰。5月,有奖邮政明信片中了一等奖,获奖金2000元,于是主张女儿要回明信片,再换一张给李杰。但李杰父母不同意。于是赵海诉至法院,认为明信片是其所买。明信片的获奖权归属谁()









Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped(绊倒) and dropped all his books. Mark  21 and helped the boy pick up the scattered articles. Then as they walked along together, Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill, that he loved video games, baseball and history,  22  he was having lots of trouble with his other subjects. He also learned that he had just  23 with his girlfriend.

They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was  24 in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly. They then became good friends and later entered the same senior high school where they had brief contacts over the years. Finally the long awaited senior year came and three weeks  25 graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk. Bill  26 him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I cleaned out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a  27 for anyone else. I had stored away some of my mother’s sleeping 2.But after we spent some time together talking and laughing, I  29 that if I had killed myself, I would have  30 that time and so many others that might follow. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you picked up my life as well.”

21. A. sat down    B. lay down      C. knelt down    D. slowed down  

22. A. and         B. but           C. but hat       D. and that

23. A. fallen in love               B. broken up     C. got along well  D. done away

24. A. invited     B. allowed       C. stopped       D. interested

25. A. after       B. from          C. before        D. since

26. A. asked       B. informed      C. remembered    D. reminded

27. A. note        B. message       C. sign          D. mess

28. A. medicine    B. pilled        C. bags          D. clothes

29. A. wondered    B. doubted       C. realized      D. forgot

30. A. missed      B. lost          C. seized        D. spent
