
Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side w



Randy Kraus was paralyzed. His left side was useless. But his right hand was (1) enough to lift a bucket to his forehead. Once, he’d been a police officer and owned a private-eye agency. Once, he’d been p and able. Now, he felt he was nothing.

His (2) started with Parkinson’s disease, but it didn’t (3) there. In July 2002, the 60 year old Kraus went into the hospital for an operation to control the shaking. (4) , during the operation, he had a stroke. He was paralyzed. The (5) man, who loved golf, could think, but couldn’t (6) . Kraus wanted the doctors to (7) it to him straight. "You may never walk again, " they told him. "Maybe you won’t (8) be able to talk. "

Once at home, he (9) he couldn’t lift a fork or take a drink by himself. Physical treatment was so painful and slow. What did he have to (10) for So now Kraus held the gun against his head. (11) the cold metal on his skin, he began to consider not his pain, but the pain he (12) cause his wife, daughters and grandchildren. He didn’t pull the trigger.

"You are where you are", his exercise physiologist, Andrew Garud told him. "The pace would be slow; the pain would be (13) . But as long as you are (14) , you have the ability to get better. " After three months of (15) with Garud, Kraus wanted to see if he could (16) . He could. Then he took three steps, sat down and cried like a baby. One step (17) to another. Next he managed a short walk. It was the hardest (18) of Kraus’s life.

Garud kept saying he could (19) more. Now, Kraus can brush his teeth, shave himself and get around the house with a walker. Little success only the paralyzed can (20) understand.







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参考答案:A, B, C, D, E



      Lots of people like diving into water, because they can explore the underwater world. But there is

another kind of diving.  Some people dive into the sky! This is really a very exciting sport. A skydiver

goes high up in the air on a plane. Then he jumps off the plane and floats(飘)in the air with the help of 

a parachute(降落伞).A parachute is like a huge umbrella.It is put on the back of the skydiver. When

the skydiver reaches a certain height, he will pull a string(细绳)and the parachute will open up in seconds

and carry him gently(轻轻地)down to the ground.  Skydivers like doing a lot of fascinate tricks in the

air.  After jumping off the plane one after another, they will try to stay in the air and hold each other's

hands. |They can form different shapes. Is it safe to do skydiving? Yes, as long as we receive right training. But sometimes, accidents do happen. In Canada, two skydivers were killed in 1991 when they jumped

off  the plane.  Because their parachutes got tied up with each other, the parachutes couldn't open up and

both crashed down and died.

1. Why do people like diving into water?


2. How does a skydiver go up into the sky?


3. What does a parachute look like?


4. Where does a skydiver put his parachute?


5. Why were two skydivers killed in Canada?



最近公布的一项国家特别咨询委员会的调查报告表明,在选择了大量的研究对象进行对比实验后,发现在名人家庭中才能出众者是普遍人家庭中才能出众者人数的23倍,因此我们可以得出可信度很高的结论:人的素质主要是由遗传决定的。 以下哪项如果为真,则最能削弱上述结论( )




