
以下哪项是社区卫生服务的特点() A.初级保健 B.高级服务 C.卫生宣传 D.营养

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①司马迁的伟大,在于他从未以成败论英雄,从未以简单的道德观念来评判历史人物。他居然将前代的杀手、同时代的违法者塑造成了英雄或准英雄。      ,这不是他一个人的想法,刺客们不是经常出现在汉代的画像石上吗?

②华佗不但擅长内科,还善于做开刀手术。他      了一种麻醉剂叫麻沸散,可在做手术时减轻病人的痛苦。

③美国总统奥巴马访华,显示了美国希望以访华为      ,暂时缓解两国间的贸易摩擦的良好愿望,但这并不代表类似的贸易摩擦未来不会再出现。






Modern Japan, despite its ready adoption of Western manners, is in things theatrical still faithful to the ancient feudal day. It is true that within the last few years, the old school drama has to some extent lost ground, and quite recently performances of Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet, and Daudet’s Sappho have been received with favor by Tokyo audiences.

The explanation of this curious survival of the old form of play, at a time when all Japan is eagerly imitating the foreigner, is undoubtedly to be found in the peculiar customs of the country. The progressive Japanese finds it easier to change his mode of dress than to reform habits bred in the bone. The old plays, lasting, as they formerly did, from early morning until nearly midnight, just suited the Japanese play-goer, who, when he does go to the theatre, makes an all-day affair of it. Indeed, theatre-going in Japan is a very serious matter, and not to be entered upon lightly or without due preparation. Recently Sada Yoko and Oto Kawakami, who learned a good deal in their foreign travels, introduced the comparatively short evening performance of three or four hours, an innovation which was at once welcomed by the better class of people. But the new arrangement found little favor with the general public, and particular indignation was aroused in the bosom of the Japanese Matinee Girl who loves to sit in the theatre as long as possible and weep over the play. For, to the young gentlewoman, the theatre is essentially the place for weeping. Japanese girls are extremely sentimental, and a play without tear-provoking situations would not appeal to them in the least.

The Japanese women are passionately devoted to the drama. It is usual for a party to book a box through a tea house connected with the theatre and at the same time make arrangements for what refreshments they wish served. The Japanese maiden makes the most elaborate preparations days beforehand. To be at the theatre on time, playgoers must rise with the sun, and all their meals, including breakfast, are eaten in the tiny box in the playhouse. It is not an easy task to reach one’s seats and once the family has settled down, nothing but a catastrophe would induce it to leave its box. The women chew candy and the men freely drink sake as the play goes on.

The emphasized difference between the Japanese play form and the foreign one is in ().

A. the length

B. the costume

C. the acting

D. the innovation
