
(1)图中物体的长度为___________cm; (2)图中小明晨检时的体温是











地球生命演化史上曾发生六次重大的生物灭绝事件。其中2.5亿年前二叠纪末期的那一次规模最大、影响最深远,其结果导致超过90%的海底生物在瞬间灭绝。长期以来,地质学家们都在寻找导致这次生物灭绝事件的原因,而隐藏在地球某些角落的地质标本就成为他们索求“密码”的“藏宝图”。 上述文段中的“密码”一词指的是( )。






Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

Industrial psychology is the application of various psychological techniques to the se-lection and training of industrial workers and to the promotion of efficient working condi-tions and techniques, as well as individual job satisfaction.
The selection of workers for particular jobs is essentially a problem of discovering the special aptitudes and techniques, and personality characteristics needed for the job and of devising tests to determine whether candidates have such aptitudes and characteristics. The development of tests of this kind has long been a field of psychological research. Once the worker is on the job and has been trained, the fundamental aim of the industrial psycholo-gist is to find ways in which a particular job can best be accomplished with a minimum of effort and a maximum of individual satisfaction. The psychologist’s function, therefore, differs from that of the so-called efficiency expert, who places primary emphasis on in-creased production. (76) Psychological techniques used to lessen the effort involved in a given job include a detailed study of the motion required to do the job, the equipment used, and the conditions under which the job is performed. After making such a study, the in-dustrial psychologist often determines that the job in question may be accomplished with less effort by changing the routine motions of the work itself, changing or moving the tools, improving the working conditions, or a combination of several of these methods.
(77) Industrial psychologists have also studied the effects of fatigue on workers to de-termine the length of working time that yields the greatest productivity. In some cases such studies have proven that total production on particular jobs could be increased by re-ducing the number of working hours or by increasing the number of rest periods, or "breaks", during the day. Industrial psychologists may also suggest less direct require-ments for general improvement of job performance, such as establishing a better line of communication between employees and management.

From the first sentence of the passage, we learn that the primary objective of in-dustrial psychology is to study______.

A.working efficiency that leads to the highest output

B.the working skills and the working environment

C.the techniques leading to the highest productivity

D.the use of workers to get the greatest profit
