
阅读下列案例,并回答问题。 朱老师讲究《坐井观天》的故事后,以“青蛙跳出井底之后



阅读下列案例,并回答问题。 朱老师讲究《坐井观天》的故事后,以“青蛙跳出井底之后”为题,要求学生讨论并续写故事。 有的同学说:“青蛙跳出井底之后,看见了蓝蓝的天、青青的草,真美啊,真该早跳出来!”还有的同学说:“外面的世界真精彩,它再也不想回到井底了!”...... 正当同学们纷纷说出青蛙跳到井外看见各种美丽景色的感受时,一位同学却出人意料地说:“青蛙跳出井底之后,没多久,又跳回了井底!”同学们哄堂大笑...... 老师嘲讽地说:“我看你就是一个井底之蛙!。 这位同学顿时满面通红,心里很不服气,大声辩解说:“老师,青蛙之所以又回到井里,是因为它跳到井外后,立刻闻到了一股刺鼻的农药味,看见几只青蛙漂在被污染的河水里;接着又听到一声声凄厉的惨叫,原来是有人正在捕捉青蛙。那人边抓边说:“今天抓到的青蛙可以卖不少钱呢!”......所以,它又跳回井里,‘还是井里安全啊!’” 问题:请你结合教学过程的规律或教学原则对这位教师的做法加以分析。


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One day, Wilson was walking quietly along the road when someone hit him hard on the back of his neck.He looked behind him, and saw a young man whom he had never seen before.    

“How dare you hit me like that?” shouted Wilson.    

The young man said he had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his and that he thought Wilson was making a lot of noise about nothing.    

This insult (侮辱) made Wilson even angrier, of course, and he at once decided to bring the young man before a judge.    

Now, the judge, who heard the case, was a friend of the young man’s father’s, and, although he pretended to be quite fair, he was thinking about what he could do to protect the young man from being punished while at the same time not to be appearing unfair.   

Finally he said to Wilson, “I understand your feelings in this matter very well.Would you be satisfied if I let you hit the young man as he hit you?”    

Wilson said he would not be.The young man had insulted him and should be properly punished.    

“Well, then,” said the judge to the young man, “I order you to pay ten coins to Wilson.”    

Ten coins was very little for such a crime, but the young man did not have it with him, so the judge allowed him to go and get it.    

Wilson waited for him to return with the money.He waited an hour, and then two hours, while the judge took care of other business.    

When it was nearly time for the court to close, Wilson chose a moment when the judge was especially busy, came up quietly and hit him hard on the back of the neck.Then he said to him, “I am sorry, but I can’t wait any longer.When the young man comes back, tell him that I have passed my right to the ten coins on to you.”

小题1:Why did the young man hit Wilson from behind?

A.Wilson had hit him before.

B.He had mistaken Wilson for a friend of his.

C.Wilson was a stranger there.

D.Wilson made a lot of noise when he was walking.小题2:Which of the following explanations has the closest meaning with the underlined word “properly”?




D.finally小题3:The best title for this passage is ________.

A.I’ve passed my right on to you

B.The judge and Wilson

C.Wilson and the young man

D.The young man was set free





C.“ * * ”期间,教育发展的停滞

