
—How about visiting the museum? —Good id



—How about visiting the museum?

—Good idea. But first we should find out ______ it is open. [ ]

A. how

B. whether

C. what

D. which


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解:设可以制得氧气的质量为x 2KMnO4 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2↑ 2×158 32 6g x= x ==0.6 g 答:可以制得...


某大型公共建筑施工土方开挖、基坑支护、止水帷幕的工程图纸及技术参数如图6.I.1“基坑支护及止水帷幕方案平面布置示意图”图6.I.2“基坑支护及止水帷幕剖面图”所示。护坡桩施工方案采用泥浆护壁成孔混凝土灌桩,其相关项目定额预算单价见下表: 单位:m3

图6.I.1基坑支护及止水帷幕方案平面布置示意图 说明:1.本图采用相对坐标系,±0.00m=49.25m,自然地面标高-0.79m考虑。基坑支护采用砌筑挡墙+护坡桩+预应力锚索。2.1-1、2-2剖面基底-15.10m,基坑支护深度14.31m。3.1-1剖面护坡桩直径800mm,间距1.50m,共计194根。2-2剖面护坡桩直径800m,间距1.50m,共计156根。4.基坑采用旋喷桩止水帷幕。旋喷桩直径800mm,间距1500mm与护坡桩间隔布置,旋喷桩桩顶标高-7.29m,共计350根。5、护坡桩桩顶设置800×600连梁,1-1、2-2剖面连梁以上2000mm为370mm厚砌筑挡墙。6、护坡桩、连续及压顶梁的混凝土强度设计等级采用C25。

图6.I.2基坑支护及止水帷幕剖面图 说明:1、本图采用相对坐标系,±0.00m=49.25m;2.1-1剖面双重锚索共计190列(380根),2-2剖面双重锚索共计154列(308根)。3.图中标注尺寸以mm计,标高以m计。7.图中标注尺寸以mm计,标高以m计。



Fatigue is one of the most common complaints brought to doctors, friends, and relatives. You’d think in this era of labor-saving and convenient transportation that few people would have reason to be so tired. The causes of modern-day fatigue are diverse and only rarely related to excessive physical exertion. Today, physicians report, tiredness is more likely a consequence of underexercise than of wearing yourself down with overactivity.

Physical fatigue is the well-known result of overworking your muscles. (46) Physical fatigue is usually a pleasant tiredness, such as that which you might experience after playing a hard set of tennis, chopping wood, or climbing a mountain. The cure is simple and fast: You rest, giving your body a chance to get rid of accumulated waste and restore muscle fuel.

(47) Illness induced fatigue is a warning sign or consequence of some underlying physical disorder, perhaps the common cold or flu or something more serious like cancer, while other symptoms are present that often suggest the true cause. Even after an illness passed, you’re likely to feel dragged out for a week or more. (48) Take your fatigue as a signal to go slow while your body has a chance to recover fully even if all you had was a cold. Pushing yourself to resume full activity too soon will certainly prolong your period of fatigue.

Emotional problems and conflicts, especially depression and anxiety, are by far the most common causes of prolonged fatigue. When such feelings are not expressed openly, they often come out as physical symptoms, with fatigue as one of the most common manifestations. (49) Understanding the underlying emotional problem is the crucial first step toward curing psychological fatigue and by itself often results in considerable lessening of the tiredness. Professional psychological help or career or marriage counseling may be needed.

There is a great deal you can do on your own to deal with both severe prolonged fatigue and those periodic washed-out feelings. You might try to do moderate exercise. (50) Contrary to what you may think, exercise enhances, rather than drains, engery and helps you to resist fatigue by increasing your body’s ability to handle more of a workload. At the end of a day exercise can relieve accumulated tensions, give you more energy in the evening, and help you sleep more restfully.

(47) Illness induced fatigue is a warning sign or consequence of some underlying physical disorder, perhaps the common cold or flu or something more serious like cancer, while other symptoms are present that often suggest the true cause.
