
LONDON (Reuters) Ecotourism is causing a



LONDON (Reuters)    Ecotourism is causing a lot of damage to wildlife and may be endangering the survival of the very animals people are flocking to see, according to re­searchers.

Biologists and conservationists are worried because polar bears, dolphins, penguins and other creatures are getting stressed and losing weight and some are dying.

"Evidence is growing that many animals do not react well to tourists in their backyard,” New Scientist magazine said.

The immediate effects "researchers have noticed are changes in behavior, heart rates. or stress hormone levels but they fear it could get much worse and over the long term “ could endanger the survival of the very wildlife they want to see. ”

Although money produced through ecotourism, which has been growing at about 10-30 percent a year, has major benefits for poor countries and people living in rural areas, the Swiss-based World Conservation Union (IUCN) and some governments fear not all projects are audited(审计) and based on environmentally friendly policies,according to the magazine.

Transmission of disease to wildlife,or small changes to wildlife health through dis­turbance of daily life or increased stress levels, while not obvious to the casual observer, may translate to lower survival and breeding,” said Philip Seddon , of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.

Scientists have noticed that bottleneck dolphins along the northeastern coast of New Zealand become nervously excited when tourist boats arrive. Similar changes in behavior have been observed in polar bears and yellow-eyed penguins in areas visited by colorists are producing smaller babies.

Conservationists are now calling for more research into the effect of ecotourism on ani­mals and say the industry must be developed carefully. They also want studies done before new ecotourism projects are started.

“The animals’ welfare should be very important because without them there will be no ecotourism,” said Rochelle Constantine of the University of Auckland in New Zealand

小题1:Which is not discovered to have changed in animals disturbed by tourists?


B.birth rate

C.hormone levels

D.heart rates小题2:We may learn from the text that _____.

A.ecotourism must be developed properly

B.polar bears are losing weight without enough food

C.all the poor countries have stopped ecotourism

D.money produced through ecotourism should be spent on wildlife小题3:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

A.Many animals do not react well in their backyard

B.Studies should be done before new ecotourism projects are started

C.Ecotourism has been growing at about 10—30 percent a year.

D.polar bears in areas visited by ecotourists are producing smaller babies.小题4:What Rochelle Constantine said in the last paragraph implies that _____.

A.if people want to get high income, they must develop ecotourism

B.animals have rights to live their own life

C.animals are people's good friends

D.people should take good care of wildlife


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材料一 1905 年,孙中山在日本东京创办《民报》。孙中山后来在《中国之革》一文中评价说:“〈民报〉成立,一方为同盟会之喉舌,以宣传正义;一方则力辟当时保皇党劝告开明专制、要求立宪之谬说,使革命主义如日中天。”

材料二 梁启超:“今日中国国民,未有可以为共和国民之资格。”(《新民丛报》第 79 号)“昨天扰专制,而今日已共和,如两船相接触,而绝无一楔子以介于其间,则其冲突之程度必极猛烈,显然易见。”(《新民丛报》第 76 号)“法(国)以革命故,流血断头,殃及善良,祸贻古物,穷天地古今之凶残,未有比之。”(《新民丛报》第 85 号)

材料三 “夫我国民既有此自由、平等、博爱之精神,而民权立宪则本乎此精神之制度也,故此制度之精神,必适合于我国民,而决无虞其格格不入也。”(《民报》第 4 号)“今之言革命者,其所欲破坏者,异族钳制之势力也,专制之淫威也,社会经济组织之不完全也,凡是皆不适宜于社会者也;而其所欲建设者,民族国家也,民主立宪政体也,国家民生主义也,凡是皆适宜于社会者也。”(《民报》第 9 号) 

材料四 “武昌革命军兴,清吏张鸣歧、龙济光、李准等初负隅自固,讵(表示反问)沪电谣传‘京陷帝崩’四字,港粤各报相率登载,全城人士欢声雷动,张督知人心已去,无可挽救,始仓皇出走,龙、李遂卑辞乞降。使广东省城,得以不流血而获光复者,报纸之力为多焉。”(冯自由《革命逸史》) 



